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Question on my newly acquired Senator.

I've seen the case and mirror with a barberpole razor. On Mr. Razor's page I think. I get lost there for hours sometimes.

You're going to love the Senator!!

I've a Senator and a Sheraton, gold plated one.. It's a fine shave.

I think the greatest part is the visual feedback. If you see stripes in your lather you're doing it wrong. :laugh:


That set is beautiful..


I need a flea bath
That's an American rhodium Executive case. Definitely a keeper, or someone might be interested in buying it off of you.

Here it is on Achim/Mr. Razor's site:

I think you are right. I missed that. Oh well maybe I will find a Rhodium in a Senator case. :thumbup:

You're on fire, Scott!

How many razors are you up to now? I think you've eclipsed me, man. Both in quantity AND quality.

Let's say my original display area is running out of room. I have 27 with 4 on the way. I only have four duplicates, I need to sell those. I am going to start focusing on the more rare stuff now. Like that one you dreamed about. :drool:
Well, you'll have more than me when those 4 arrive in the mail. Try to force yourself to dream about a Darwin, an Eclipse Red Ring, or a Double Ring. Those are the ones I'm dying to get my hands on now.
Congratulations! I was watching that Executive case and wondering who was going to snag it. Oh, and the lovely Senator, too!
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