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Question from a geek

I am looking to make some custom pages for Dungeons and Dragons but not sure what a good program to use esp. since I use Linux, any suggestions?

LateX if you are talking about character sheets. A bit of a learning curve but you do just about any kind of document you want.

If you don't want something that in depth (you probably don't) then I'd look to something like lyx (a frontend for lateX) or something hacked together in oo.org.
LaTeX! Wow, I thought only one person still used that.

I am going to stop here, before I get awarded a second sable stole of nerdliness.
LateX if you are talking about character sheets. A bit of a learning curve but you do just about any kind of document you want.

If you don't want something that in depth (you probably don't) then I'd look to something like lyx (a frontend for lateX) or something hacked together in oo.org.

Yeah I was I am going to try and make some custom suppliment sheets for spells and other things that have desciptions and/or notes attached to them.
LaTeX! Wow, I thought only one person still used that.

I am going to stop here, before I get awarded a second sable stole of nerdliness.


:ninja: Don't feel bad, Lou. I used LaTeX a few times in recent memory while in grad school... but anyone asks we never had this discussion. :ninja:
LaTeX! Wow, I thought only one person still used that.

I am going to stop here, before I get awarded a second sable stole of nerdliness.

Yeah I was I am going to try and make some custom suppliment sheets for spells and other things that have desciptions and/or notes attached to them.


:ninja: Don't feel bad, Lou. I used LaTeX a few times in recent memory while in grad school... but anyone asks we never had this discussion. :ninja:

I'm not the one using it for Dungeons and Dragons! :tongue_sm
I really miss 2nd edition with the Core Rules and Core Rules 2.0 expansion.

The character sheets on there were the best ever made, bar none. You could do absolutely anything with them. Obviously designed by a gamer rather than a corporate type.

Now they are on 4th edition right? Bah!
LaTeX! Wow, I thought only one person still used that.

I am going to stop here, before I get awarded a second sable stole of nerdliness.

I build my resume in LaTeX and I love it. People are always surprised by how nice and professional it looks and seem surprised that I can provide it in pdf. Now my secret is out :smile:
I'm 40 years old and I've been playing D&D since I was twelve. I've been playing with the same group of folks since I was 16, and we still meet once a month.

4th ed is good for beginners and goofing off but I am a bigger fan of 3.5 myself.

We've decided that D&D ended with 3.5. We refuse to buy any more books or learn any more systems. We all have families and responsibilities now, and don't really have the time to learn 4.0 and evaluate the merits and disadvantages of switching. Heck, some of us miss the old THVAC table from AD&D, back when a fighter would say, "Oh, that guy's in plate? I better pull out the military pick." But I digress....

I am looking to make some custom pages for Dungeons and Dragons but not sure what a good program to use esp. since I use Linux, any suggestions?


Have you looked to see if what you want isn't already out there? 3.5 is so mature, there are a ton of resources available. For example, we now use Acrobat forms that auto-populate most of the character sheet for you. Some of it isn't perfect, but it works well enough for our purposes.


We use D&D 3rd Edition Character Form 2.16. Perhaps there is something there that you can use, as well.
LaTeX! Wow, I thought only one person still used that.

I am going to stop here, before I get awarded a second sable stole of nerdliness.

Pfft. I used LaTeX for my dissertation -- in Political Science. It's still got legions of users in many disciplines. And while I don't use WYSIWYG front-ends like LyX, I think it's a good tool.

Depending on your needs -- and what's already out there -- I could see LaTeX being used to make beautiful forms for your gaming needs.
LaTeX! Wow, I thought only one person still used that.

I am going to stop here, before I get awarded a second sable stole of nerdliness.

Yeah, too late on that one, Lou. But, lucky for you, we have only one stole. So, I'm pleased to award you one (of several in the wild)... Brooch of Nerdliness.

Wear it with pride ... or shame... whatever. :biggrin:
Yeah, too late on that one, Lou. But, lucky for you, we have only one stole. So, I'm pleased to award you one (of several in the wild)... Brooch of Nerdliness.

Wear it with pride ... or shame... whatever. :biggrin:

Now I have to add a brooch to his avatar? Oh, man...

at the rate he's going, better draw one up with the Tiara of Superlative Nerdliness too. He's on his way to it any day.

That does it. I'm switching his scarf to a Chewbacca bandoleer and just hanging little medals on it.

And maybe a Stormtrooper helmet.

And a Riemann sum icon.

Oh, crap.
I am honored!! :lol: When will the new avatar be ready? Can you throw something in there about Schwarzschild Radius, the Pauli Exclusion Principle and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. (I wonder how it would be applied to shaving...)

Yeah, too late on that one, Lou. But, lucky for you, we have only one stole. So, I'm pleased to award you one (of several in the wild)... Brooch of Nerdliness.

Wear it with pride ... or shame... whatever. :biggrin:

Now I have to add a brooch to his avatar? Oh, man...


at the rate he's going, better draw one up with the Tiara of Superlative Nerdliness too. He's on his way to it any day.

That does it. I'm switching his scarf to a Chewbacca bandoleer and just hanging little medals on it.

And maybe a Stormtrooper helmet.

And a Riemann sum icon.

Oh, crap.

Yep, that's pretty much what you've gotten yourself into. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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