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Question for Vintage Gillette Experts❓

What Model TTO’s, used Alumium Handles.

I am chasing couple of Aristocrats on the Bay, but most of sellers don’t know info.

When I ask, “ALL BRASS”, or “Alumium Handle”.❓

Thanks for help, and knowledge.👍
I don't believe any of the Aristocrats had an aluminum handle. Those first appeared on Techs and didn't become more common until after Gillette had retired the Aristocrat model name.

Alum Ladd

Could be most likely nutjob stuff



There were a few early 50's English Aristo, Aristo Junior & Rocket aluminium examples made.

I think this was down to the 1950-3 Korean War related brass shortage which hit the UK harder than the US.

I don't think there were any US Aristos made with aluminium.
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I have a 4th gen English aristocrat that has an aluminum handle (think the head may be aluminum too).

It says “Patent Pending” in the blade tray.

No USA aristocrats are made out of aluminum, “some” ~1951-1952 superspeeds had aluminum. Some of the 4th Generation English ones are aluminum. It seems most say patent pending in the blade tray but it there is also quite a few with sellers listing the all brass weight that also say patent pending. With the English HD models the “patent pending” is a bit more definitive but it isn’t the case with the aristocrats. Really just has to ask and try to relay the question in a manner they can understand since a lot of people may not have scales for measuring in grams.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
There were aluminum handled #66 Aristocrats done in the 1953 Coronation sets.

Ask @mgweatherly about his 37g rhodium plated treasure!
Aluminum is not easy to plate but those Brits figured it out.


photo from @Jake

Good thread where mr-razor finally gets stumped!
Not only Aristocrats. Many Gillette TTOs (both US and English) during the Korean war (1950-1953) had aluminium parts. The "500" model in Europe, the regular US Super-Speeds too. There is a '500' that looks gold, but is made of aluminium and anodized, exactly from the very early 50s. I have a Super-Speed with aluminium TTO knob and neck. There are also some that have only the tube on the handle made of aluminium. Why do you think the black tip Super-Speeds (plastic knob) exist? They were only made during the Korean War for the same reason - shortage of brass.
Bit late spotting this 😄
L to R: Junior, Aristocrat, no.58, "paperclip" Rocket

All 1952/53, all 'Patent Pending'. If it has a patent number it's not going to be aluminium, as far as I'm aware (apart from the later blue tip Superspeeds). They all have a certain 'white' aluminium brightness that you can spot with a good enough photo, but the only infallible way to be sure is to get a seller to weigh it. All between 32 and 36g.
I don't believe any of the Aristocrats had an aluminum handle. Those first appeared on Techs and didn't become more common until after Gillette had retired the Aristocrat model name.
small thing. 1951 Black Tips had aluminum handles(some, some had steel handles). they made the Aristocrat in1951
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