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Question about Long Handled Razors

I just purchased a 1966 Gillette Slim Adjustable and really like it. However, I wish the handle were longer. Does anyone know if there are longer, after-market handles available?

If not, what other razors are out there with similar performance, but with longer handles?

In later years, Gillette made a model called the Super Adjustable, with a black handle that was longer. Since the twist to open shaft runs up the middle of the handle, there's no really practical way to lengthen the handles of these that I know of.

- Chris

[Edit: Here's a typical Super Adjustable, but in German market packaging:


Here's a comparison of most Gillette adjustables:


From posting #14 of this thread.
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It looks like Chris has it covered(and then some):biggrin:. Great reply! I second getting a Super Adjustable. Longer handle and as close as your going to get to a Slim.

Just be careful that when you buy one that you are indeed buying the long handled version. As you can see there is also a short handled version SA.
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