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Public Service Announcement: make sure the blade is seated propperly

No I didn't try to cut my throat, it is just a bad case of razor burn. I put a new Gem single edge in my 1960s Micromatic and tore the heck out of my neck.... after the first two rough passes I looked and the gap between the blade and safety bar looked too big. You guessed it the blade was not seated correctly and the corners of the blade caught me. I re-seated the blade and the rest of the shave was very smooth.
my first ocmm had mere nubs for tabs.
didn't notice it at first, but later binned it on realizing. got a newer one with tabs - didn't improve matters much.... :)
Also, make sure that the silo doors are firmly closed before each pass with your TTO safety razor.

I had a habit of shaking my razor while rinsing it, and inadvertently loosened my fatboy enough to effect the blade gap. I noticed almost immediately, but the damage was already done.
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