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Pub Games

My girlfriend and I moved back to the US from the UK late last year. We spent a fair amount of time in pubs, and we often liked to play Cribbage over a few pints during our travels. It's a British game and supposedly the only game by which gambling is allowed in pubs in the UK. I'm not sure how any gambling aspects of the game work, however.

We also played a dice game called blisters, gin, and zip-it. My girlfriend's parents also gave us a game called Shut the Box, which is a dice-based pub game. I know dominoes used to be popular in the UK, and some of the larger breweries would provide pubs with small, thin sets of dice with their brewery's logo/name on the back. I acquired such a set a couple years ago in an antique shop in the Lake District.

Anyone else enjoy a game with their pint?

We would play a word association game called R S H. You simply say a word, and the next person must say a word that is related in some way. It has to be done in a stream of consciousness Liam Neeson style ("Quickly! There's no time!"). The word cannot start with R S or H. If you mess up or pause for too long, you take a drink.

Jenga is also a great bar game. If you can find a place that has 2x4 jenga, you should give it a shot.
We would play a word association game called R S H. You simply say a word, and the next person must say a word that is related in some way. It has to be done in a stream of consciousness Liam Neeson style ("Quickly! There's no time!"). The word cannot start with R S or H. If you mess up or pause for too long, you take a drink.

Jenga is also a great bar game. If you can find a place that has 2x4 jenga, you should give it a shot.

Nice. I'll definitely have to try R S H. I had never heard of 2x4 Jenga, so I just googled it. It looks amazing! Gotta watch yourself when that thing comes down. "Oh this? It's an old Jenga injury."



OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
My father used to play a dice game called Crown and Anchor? And poker dice. It might have been an army thing.

Myself, all we played was pool. And that game where you stack bar coasters, and then flip/catch as many of them as you can off the edge of the table.
We used to play name all the states in the bar. It's just as it sound's. You number out 1-50 on a napkin, and try to name all 50 U.S. states. It's allot harder than it sounds (damn you North Dakota). Loser is who has the least amount of states, and buys the next round.... Or we would play 31. A card game, not really for money, just drinks.
Hands down, darts. Throw on a league and in my area 80% of the bars have dart boards. In fact, the Darts hall of Fame is ran by a man in the league. I'm friends with his daughter. I'm nowhere near as good as you English blokes though. :D

Other than that I play dominoes, cards, and I'm thinking a game similar to shut the box. Is that where there's 12 numbers and as you roll the dice you have to pick a number to close based on the dart roll and whoever has the lowest score at the end wins? Occasionally I'll play for money, but of course that's not legal and when we do it's only for several dollars here or there.
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