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Provence Sante Green Tea Shave Soap- Great Stuff!

I'm sure many of you have tried this soap, but for those who haven't I would definitely recommend giving it a go. This is probably the best soap I have tried in my relatively short wet shaving career. I found this product to provide excellent protection as well as being extremely moisturizing. It also has a nice clean green tea scent.
I bought a puck from WCS just to hit the free shipping mark, but I'm so glad I did. Performs like no other and I really like the scent!
Provence Sante Green Tea is definitely one of the better performers in my very limited veggie line-up. It's on my reorder list, for sure! I always get a close comfy shave with it.
I have a puck of it in my shave den and I haven't even opened it yet.

I keep telling myself I have to use up some of the other products first.
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