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Proraso Green, like a cup of coffee for your face!

Just finished my first shave with Proraso green cream this morning. I was not expecting such a minty sensation! I can see myself shaving with this in the early mornings for a nice wake up! I will have to use a good aftershave, probably nancy boy because it did leave my face feeling a little dry. Oh and the lather was incredible after I worked it up for about a minute.
It's almost like your face is humming after you're done...doubly so if you use the Proraso Green pre-shave beforehand.
My first and favorite shaving cream!! The smell always takes me back to that first shave and I use it every morning I need a refreshing wake up call.
Proraso green is excellent, I'm a big fan and it is quick and easy to lather and gives a great feel, scent and shave wakes you up right too specially in winter it can be bracing and that's a good thing. Easily in my top 5.
Proraso green is especially important to me. It's the one cream that I can use even when a migraine attack is already ongoing, a scent that is completely benign and enjoyable no matter what. That the lather is nice and protective makes it all the better.
I gave away my tube of Proraso green ... definitely *not* for me.

(Actually put it as a freebie in a package with some other shave stuff)
I love it! The scent and the piercing cold water splash after your last pass. If you haven't tried it, pick up a $5 tube of co bigelow from your local bath and body works.
I'm right there with you regarding Proraso Green. As I've mentioned in other posts, I lived in Naples for awhile and P/G is what my barber used when I got a weekly straight shave.

Although I have both tub and tube packaging, I prefer the tube. Taking a tip from my barber, I push a little gap in the wet brush hairs from the side and squeeze about a nickel-size dollop into the gap. Then I close the hairs over and gently massage with my fingers to start the lather. Once the lather is pushing out from the center, I begin on my face.

As for after-shave, I avoid it and use an unscented balm instead. I love the eucalyptus scent and it's strong enough to linger for awhile.

Happy shaving!

Love it also. For me there is only two, Proraso Green and TOBS Avocado. Use the Proraso Green AS 400ml bottle with atomizer after every shave also. The Proraso Red is great also but living in the warm, humid South Texas Coast the Green feels great, both the cream and AS.
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