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Progress/ Futur vs Slim Adjustable

Would a Merkur Progress or Futur do anything for me that a Slim Adjustable won't do? I already have the Slim and was wondering if would be worth getting one of the others. I never go higher than seven on the Slim so it goes as aggressive as I would use already.
Progress and slim are very close as far as their adjustments (very similar settings).

Futur on 1 would be like your slim wide open (on 9).

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
You might like the heft of the Merkurs but I like the head profile of the slim better, and I think it holds the blade more securely. For the money, the Slim is the right choice.
I had a Slim and kept it on 5. My Futur is set to 2.5. I prefer the Futur over the Slim. The Futur is a very different razor from the Slim so yes, it will give you something your Slim doesn't. For me the greater weight and overall design of the Futur provides a superior shave.
My slim gives a decent shave on 5, and same with my fatboy. I still pulled the trigger on a Futur, can't wait till I get it.
All three razors are magnificent tools. I am a big fan of the Progress, and on occasion enjoy the Futur. However, the Slim is built better and delivers great shaves.
The angle at which the progress's blade is bent to, when it's screwed together, is where the magic lies. The progress is a smooth smooth smooth shaver for sure. The futur is also a nice shaver, just a touch on the big side for my taste, but none the less, I can see why people fall in love with it.
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