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Progress First Shave

Got a Progress last week after I saw the Amazon deal posted here. Shaved with it for the first time today. Used a Crystal blade, Proraso green soap and my yellow B&B brush. Since I'm new to DE shaving as well as to the Progress I kept the setting on 1. Three easy passes produced a smooth,irritation free shave. I followed it up with a splash of Clubman original. Great start to the day!
I love how Crystals perform in my Mergress. It's a fantastic shave. After you have a few more shaves under your belt, you'd be surprised at how smooth it is when you open it up to 4!
I am partial to Astra blades in my Mergress but really like the razor and the shave it gives. I have not opened it up to 4 though...:) A setting of 2.5 is plenty for me at this point in my shave journey.
I'm a newbie with 3 shaves under my belt. I'm on setting one (Progress) using the included Merkur blade. Now deciding which blade to try next (I have a sampler pack).
In my Mergress, Crystals do great, usually at 3.5. Astras for me are smooth enough to go full throttle while still being nick and burn free. Feathers stop at 3 for me. After that I get burns like a Hindenburg 3rd class ticket holder.
Love the Progress!
Lab blues and GSB's are my favorite blades and usually go 2-2.5-3 on the settings if I do 3 passes.
Enjoy the great razor!
Been using my Progress everyday for the past few months. Usually with Crystals, although I have Gillette Yellows in right now. I'm usually around 4 or 5, depending on my mood. 3 pass shave, no issues.
Progress/Mergress is my favorite razor. Of course all of the numerical settings, above, probably have no relationship to each other, since the starting point for each razor is different. I have 3 Progress/Mergresses and they all have a different starting point. I mostly shave at around 2.5, with a starting point of "+."
The numerical values are pretty idiosyncratic I guess. I think we can all agree that a progress opened up full bore is pretty
agressive, although for the record mine starts on "+" as well. For the record, Gillette yellows are awesome in every razor except my progress and it's making me sad.
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