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progress, but I want something more aggressive

Hey guys, I havent posted in a little while. I'm fairly new at this, but I have picked it up pretty up pretty fast. My only problem is one side of my lower neck being irritated, I find it when I am able to let the small area heal by not shaving for a the weekend, it becomes a lot easier to shave by monday. Furthermore, I hit a mole on my face every now and then. Other than that, this whole new life style has become great. I cannot imagine not shaving now, even after three years with a beard.

I want to ask some veterans of the craft about some better options on a razor. I have an Edwin Jagger DE89L now. I am looking to get something more aggressive. Vintage options are also something I have been eying. I am very open to suggestions!

I'm a huge fan of slant razors :) They are very smooth and are great at atacking coarse beards. An adjustable is a good too. The Progress, Slim or Fatboy are solid performers. Open Combs have more of a bite too.
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