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Program for all your photos??

Hi there could any one tell me about a program that can download , were i can shave all my photos in.??

Thank you
Hi there could any one tell me about a program that can download , were i can shave all my photos in.??

Thank you

Aren't most photos already BBS :confused: they probably don't need a shave :lol:
just kidding I like to use Picasa by Google :)
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There are several websites (Photo Bucket, flickr, etc.) that let you upload pictures for free. Otherwise, you could just save them in a folder. I have iPhoto on my Mac and Macbook Pro and love it.
Yeah, the Mac has a great program, iPhoto, that does it all, download, store and manage, plus a simple "darkroom". But I don't think that works for PC.
My wife loves Picassa. She's into having things organized, bless her. Me, I go for the random-scattered-folders approach. :biggrin:
For Mac I have iPhoto, Adobe Lightroom, Apple Aperture, Adobe Bridge, I also have Picassa (and countless others)... I also store most of my favorite stuff on my Flickr Pro acct.

That being said --

If you are a Mac fan - with limited needs/experience/funds, iPhoto rocks
If you are a heavy Photoshop type - Lightroom (just a hair better than Aperture IMHO)
If you are looking for a great free app - Picassa does just about everything you would want...
I don't use a program to organize my photos, I just organize them into folders. If you think about it, using folders isn't really much different from the organization that a program would give you.
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