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Price of Fusion cartridges

Hello to all

I just returned from a big supermarket near my house where I was checking the price of the Fusions

The 4 cartridge pack is sold at the price of ......12,75 euros!!!!!:eek2::eek2:

Jesus Christ I mean don't people see that they are been ripped off?
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I'm sure most people DO realize that they're being screwed over, but they think that they have no alternative, so they just suck it up. Kind of like gas prices.
Jesus Christ I mean don't people see that they are been ripped off?

Some may not care so long as they get a shave, others may not know that there are alternatives. Gillette makes a lot of money with the P.T. Barnum theory... "There's one born every minute"...
Some may not care so long as they get a shave, others may not know that there are alternatives. Gillette makes a lot of money with the P.T. Barnum theory... "There's one born every minute"...

Well there are alternatives and I'm not reffering to wet shaving.

Even at the "luxury" cartridge razor market, the pack of 4 M3 Turbo cartridges costs 10,75€ the pack of 5 M3 costs 8,75€ and the SENSOR 5 pack cartridges costs 5,75€.

Are people so stupid? Why dont they boycott the Fusion even the M3 cartridges for the let's say Sensor ones? (which according to me are also expensive for a 4-5 time use each)

Recommend you steer away from the "cookie-cutter" gillette shaves and try a simple and very comfortable DE shave utilizing razors like the Goodfella Razor. I just purchased one and I am very satisfied with the simplicity of design and comfort. They also sell DE blades at a reasonable price (although ebay is hard to beat with DE blade prices). Check them out a goodfella.com (a New Zealand Company that is very customer service oriented). Enjoy!

Recommend you steer away from the "cookie-cutter" gillette shaves and try a simple and very comfortable DE shave utilizing razors like the Goodfella Razor. I just purchased one and I am very satisfied with the simplicity of design and comfort. They also sell DE blades at a reasonable price (although ebay is hard to beat with DE blade prices). Check them out a goodfella.com (a New Zealand Company that is very customer service oriented). Enjoy!

Ive been wet shaving for 2 months now:wink2:

The thread is just an observation
I'm sure most people DO realize that they're being screwed over, but they think that they have no alternative, so they just suck it up. Kind of like gas prices.

this is how i was

How long do the Fusion cartridges last?

if i was to skip 2 days then it would only last one shave. shaving every day it would last up to 5 shaves if i was willing to let it hack me up some. i have a non-sensitive skin and could handle some hacking. still way too much for a shave.

glad i was convinced of the right way to shave.
Well there are alternatives and I'm not reffering to wet shaving.

Are people so stupid? Why dont they boycott the Fusion even the M3 cartridges for the let's say Sensor ones? (which according to me are also expensive for a 4-5 time use each)

I am sure P&G would in response to the boycott directly increase the prices of the Sensor carts and make them duller.
two good shave, than okay shave, but back when I used tried to get a week.

dont know for the fusion, but with M3 I would get approximately 6-7 shaves..

Are people so stupid? Why dont they boycott the Fusion even the M3 cartridges for the let's say Sensor ones? (which according to me are also expensive for a 4-5 time use each)

because they believe they will have a superior shave with fusion (a little more expensive, but if it will give me a better shave.. what the heck), also the psychological influence of massive advertisement is very relevant factor which determines ones choice to choose product.. I mean, they literally bombard us every day with ads for fusion on numerous tv stations, magazines etc.
When did you see ad for Merkur, Muhle or Dovo on tv?
boy... it took me twenty years to figure this out. When I was 18, I bought a badger brush and soap looking to help with such a crappy shave. I'd ***** to friends and co-workers about it (usually the day of yet another crappy shave) and try to pick up ideas to help. I'd plan my shaving week based on when I needed to be clean-shaven so that I wouldn't have to shave 2 days in a row, say, being sure to not shave on Thursday if we were going out Friday, because the rash and ingrowns surely would sure send ladies and children running! I'd even written letters (yes,... letters, via snail mail) to Gillette, without even an acknowledgment or coupons or whatever.

I just did not realize there was an alternative. Sure, I'd seen the DE blades at the drug store, and str8s at the antique store.... but it never occured to me that they were better! I made the assumption that a modern cartridge had to be the pinnacle of shaving technoligy. I mean, it had like 5 blades.... and fins.... and a mousturizing strip.... and an indicator strip... and they were expensive... and cool colors too! That just had to be better than a blade you sharpened yourself or just one lowly little DE blade..... NOT!

Then the reccesion hit, and all of a sudden , those horribly expensive blades seemed to be just a bit too... well... expensive. I found myself going un-shaven, trying to stretch out the blades long past their 'best before date". One idle day, I casually entered "shaving+ how to" into the google window, and, lo and behold, my world has forever changed.

I buy into the philosophy too. I feel that our world (culture, society whatever..) has reached to point of consumer absurdity. Disposable junk, often over complex, over engineered, over packed, over priced (forgive my hyperbole) has taken over our lives. Toasters that don't toast, dishwashers that last 3 years, TV's designed to fail after 5, vehicles we can no longer repair ourselves, car doors that open themselves (try that one at -40). Shampoo bottles designed to stand upright and blast a shot onto the shower floor when that bubble of air inside heats up and expands (it took me years to twig to the fact that this is INTENTIONAL)

I have cried "ENOUGH!" I have had my fill of being manipulated out of my money. I have embarked a journey of consumer defience! I herefore vow to forever expend my energies in thwarting the escalation of disposablity in my life! I vow to re-use, re-purpose, re-recycle, re-educate, re-duce and I re-fuse to buy a toaster or shave product that has it's own computer chip! Take that Gillete!


B&B's Man in Italy
I think that the problem is not only the extremely high cost of the blades, but also the fact they are absolutely ineffective.
I never got a decent shave with a Fusion, not even when loaded with a new blade.
DE razors and blades are so much superior that a comparison with cartridge systems is clearly ridiculous.
A vast majority don't know they're getting ripped off and they don't know what a good shave is like. Most people aren't willing to put in the time to get a good shave. The ignorant masses are to busy keeping up with Face book and various reality shows to bother with something like shaving. As far as cost goes, look at what they think is a good deal for cell phones and cable TV. To them carts. are chump change. Which is OK with me I like not being like everyone else.
At least I never fell for the multi-blade hype (well, see the note that follows). I stayed with my twin blade Atra, and was getting generic cartridges for it that cost about 50 cents each, until an online search led me back to DE.

Note: OK, confession. Never having tried more than a twin blade razor, my current obsession with shaving made me curious about the multi-blade cheese-graters that I'd never tried before. On a recent book order from Amazon, I stuck on $7.71 to get a Fusion manual razor which came with two cartridges. Still in the package, but I'll try it eventually. Then my opinion will be based on actual experience.

Still too much for cartridges, though, even if they do work well.
A lot of it also has to do with time... You can shave with a cartridge razor in mere minutes. It isn't a "good shave" but it seems to be enough for most people to be happy with it.

The whole world is obsessed with time, so if they look at 2 minutes vs 10, they will take two every time. Look at fast food restaurants. The prices have increased to the point of being comparable to sit down restaurants, but people still go for the "quick" option.
The whole world is obsessed with time, so if they look at 2 minutes vs 10, they will take two every time. Look at fast food restaurants. The prices have increased to the point of being comparable to sit down restaurants, but people still go for the "quick" option.

Very good point
A lot of it also has to do with time... You can shave with a cartridge razor in mere minutes. It isn't a "good shave" but it seems to be enough for most people to be happy with it.

That is certainly true, also majority of people do not appreciate or care for wet shaving ritual.. they simply don't have any interest for that, thus are not willing to spend their time on it.
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