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Price help on cased TV razor w/ blades and instructions

Hello all,

I didn't want to post this in the B/S/T because it's more of an effort to gauge the worth of this. I have more pictures, but I think these three basically sum it up. It's a cased D2 TV special. Everything is in near mint condition, though the razor does have a bit of a rattle to it.

Is this rattle normal in some razors, by the way? I have 5 or 6 razors (all super speed types) that all have it. Doesn't affect the quality at all.

Anyway, here are the pics:





the prices of recent sales on ebay and in the b/s/t forum have been between $35-57. a mint tv super speed sold for $46 on the bay last week. hope this helps.
Yes, the rattle is normal on these. There was a design change on the Super Speed in the late '50s. They stopped using a screw to hold the assembly together and started using a snap ring, which you can see if you look inside the handle from the bottom.

The "snap ring" razors rattle a bit, some more than others. The "screwed" razors don't rattle.
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