I finally picked a Y2 President up for a decent price and got it cleaned up. I know the head is nickel plated but does it have the lacquer coating like the Diplomat and Aristocrat? Comparing it to my Super Speeds, Slim, etc. the doors just seem like there's this extra coating on them. There was this cloudiness to them after I soaked in soapy water and then scrubbed with a toothbrush. It wasn't the normal cloudiness from the nickel being tarnished though. It was slick and smooth. So I took some polish made for the clear coat of cars to it and it took the cloudiness away but the finish still seems thicker than my other vintage nickel Gillettes. On the gold razors, it's easy to tell the lacquer is there because it makes the gold slightly more red and has a rainbow effect but I can't tell on this one. Anybody have some insight on this?