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Presents from England?

Score! A friend living in England is going to visit Egypt next month, and has offered to bring me anything that I wanted. My first thought: shaving soap!

My friend is currently an impoverished grad student, and she's insisting on bringing something as a gift for me, rather than taking reimbursement. Knowing how thin her finances are nowadays, it would be irresponsible to ask for anything gratis more than about 10 pounds' worth. As I gather, though, a good cake of shaving soap can be had for less than that. What would you all recommend I ask her to bring, if she can only afford one kind of soap on her budget? I've never used hard shaving soap before, so they're all new to me. I'm open to suggestions about both brand and variety.
Mitchell's Wool Fat would be my first recommendation. To me, it's the quintessential English shaving soap.

On the other hand, you certainly won't go wrong with anything from D.R. Harris or the "Three 'T's." Arlington from D.R. Harris would be a personal recommendation.
A puck of MWF (rebranded as 'Kent Luxury Shaving Soap') from the John Lewis department store. Price £5

A couple of sticks of Palmolive (not Uk sepcific, but its cheap here) - get 2 for £1 or 4 for £2

And I'd ask for a bottle of Boots Freshwood Aftershave Balm, which is my favourite UK specific product. Think its about £2.40.

Still under a tenner I think.

This stuff is all available nationally. DR Harris and the 3T's etc aren't.
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