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Preference of Tech over TTO?

Also, do you loosen the Techs to rinse the blade after shaving like you do with the TTOs? Meant to ask that in original post, too, but forgot!:blush:
It's all a matter of individual preference. For me, my '52 SS gives the most comfortable shaves of all my DE's. My '59 ball-end Tech is probably a close second and may shave a smidge closer than the SS. I shave at night and have plenty of time to fuss around, so I always take the blade out to rinse and (paper) towel dry the razor. If I had to shave in the morning, it would just be a quick rinse with the blade in.
I have a preference for 3 piece razors over twist to opens. The head on a 3 piece is quite a bit thinner, and thus easier to maneuver into tight areas.

My Tech gives me great shaves, but so does my Muhle R-89. I started with a Tech, and would be having wonderful quality shaves if it were all I had.

I view the TTO as a solution to an problem that never existed. You have to be a pretty huge moron to cut yourself more than once changing a blade on a 3 piece razor. Sure the TTO makes it pretty much idiot proof (especially with the Gillette designed blade dispenser), but still it's an "improvement" that was fully un-necessary.

Some have indicated the TTO was less about ease of use/ safety, and more of an attempt at competing with the Schick Injector, which could promote itself as allowing the user to load the blade without directly interacting with the sharp blade.
I switched from a Slim Adjustable to a tech a few weeks ago after at least 8 months on the Slim. I wish I would've started with a tech. I do notice that there is more stubble by the end of the day (read: I'm not getting quite as close of a shave), but I'm certainly getting MUCH more comfortable shaves.
I think it is fair to say Techs are milder in general, but their are many flavors of TTOs.
That having been said, depending on skin / beard type and blade selection, many feel the Tech give a fine shave.
I myself can get a very comfortable shave and could be happy if that is all I had.
As others have said, Techs are on the mild side. As for cleaning... given the stubble I routinely see left on the razor and blade once I take apart any non-TTO for cleaning, I would never just loosen it and rinse. Two more minutes is all it takes.
Does a Tech give a radically different shave than the Gillette TTO razors? If so, have you noticed it's closer, smoother, more aggressive, etc.?

I started with a Merkur 34C and went to the Tech shortly after. The main advantage I see is the smaller head that is easier to navagate aroud tough areas of the face. The older ball handle Gillettes Open Combs seem to me to be the best. They are the grandfathers of the Techs. I use a 1908 and 1919 Open Comb Tech. The Techs were made for more that 100 years and that says someting bout their quality.

The TTO's are greart when you have a shorter time to shave. They were made to decrease the amount of time spent shaving and do their job very well.

If I could only have one razor however; the Tech wins.
The TTO's are greart when you have a shorter time to shave. They were made to decrease the amount of time spent shaving and do their job very well.

How does using a Superspeed instead of a 3 piece razor reduce time spent shaving? I am not seeing the connection.

A Superspeed is a little more aggressive than a Gillette Tech, but not all three piece razors are equally mild, so I don't understand the TTO = less time conclusion you have drawn.
I have used the SS and it's a great shaver slightly more aggressive. The Tech has a slimmer head profile and I find it easier to get under the nose and tight areas. The tech is milder than most SS's. The Tech is more aggressive than say a blue tip. Pairing a sharp smooth blade to a Tech will yield great comfortable shaves keeping up with the SS. As alway YMMV.
I like TTO razors. The gizmo factor is there, and it is easier, safer and quicker to change blades.

That said, the Tech is a great razor, and I've yet to find one with a lazy silo door.
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