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Pre Shave Q

In being curious about pre-shave and recently learning of Kyle's prep (though I always forget finger massage), I raise a question... Could you use Noxzeema as a pre-shave?

I have been using Head Blade brand mentholated cream. Found it on sale @ K-mart a while back. Great menthol. I love the menthol for pre-shave. Noxzeema has eucalytus oil, which to me is kind of mentholish...just wonder how it'd do. I will of course try it. I did try Nox as a part of my shave once, kind of blended w/ cream. It clogged razor way too much. But, if I'm going to take it off, maybe it will work. Anyone tried it?
Are you talking about Noxzema cleansing cream?

It can definitely be used as a pre-shave or for the shave itself. You just need to add enough water to get it to liquefyto get a good shaving consistency.

I use Lucky Tiger Molle during the winter months and it is basically the same formula a Nox, but without the stinky stuff (linseed oil, camphor, eucalyptus).
It has great moisturizing properties.
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