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Pre and post shave creams.

I currently use Vitos as a post shave cream. I was using the old formula Proraso but as a tight wad with cash went with a cheaper brand. I find it (Vitos) very good for ingrowns and irratation, easily obsorbed and pleasant smelling. My jar is a about a third full so it's time to buy again, however I was wondering if anyone here has used either P3 or Prep brand pre & post shave creams.


Thanks, I've checked the review sections but no luck.
So no one chimed in. Left to my own devices I went crazy and bought a 250gr jar of Prep pre & post shave.
3P was mentioned in another part of B&B. Got pretty good reviews. I'm using the new green Proraso pre and like it quite a bit. Unfortunately it overpowers any soap or cream to follow. Currently experimenting with some body/massage oils.

There isn't a proper board for pre-shave related topics, they seem to be a bit scattered.
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A bit after the horse has bolted perhaps, but I've used Prep as a preshave only for a few months and find it good. The scent isn't as nice as Proraso, but it's mild. Far more solid than Proraso too. Comes in an unexciting white plastic tub, not a patch on Proraso's lovely little glass jar. Easy on the pocket as well.
I originally found that the Vitos was a little greasey and oily smelling when new and first opened. Now as that jar is about a quarter / third full it's mellowed out a lot. The size of the Prep jar at 250gr was what pushed me. The postage was only pence more that on the 100gr Proraso.
Prep is excellent. I still need to try 3P because of all the hype. If you wish to step out of the box a bit, Bestshave sells a Bulgarian cream called Zdrave(?- Cyrillic alphabet and all that). It comes in a tiny blue container and is exceptional. Just a very small amount goes a very long way. Feels great post shave. I have also used the Havilland cold cream. It works well enough but not as well as Zdrave or Prep.
Wow!!! what a smell the prep has. It turned up just as I was getting out the shower. Though I'd give it a go. It certainly does what it says on the tin, but the scent is a little off putting. I may try a shave with it in the morning to see how we get on. As it has many other uses it wont be left on the shelf if I dont have it in my post shave routine. I see connaughts have Vitos on special offer. But I may just go for 3P instead.
Am using Vitos at the moment, and have Prep and 3P on the way. I like the Vitos, it's cheap and it seems to actually make a difference.

I'Coloniali have a similar product which is a fair bit more expensive, but boy does it have an amazing scent. You almost want to go at it with a dessert spoon.
Well I couldn't resist. After veiwing a selction of replated Gillette NEWs I put a hand on my chin and decided there was enough for a night time shave. I read the instructions on the Prep tub, smothered it on and then lathered up a New forest tubby 1, silver tip with some Omega cream. A two day old Astra in the Gillette NEW and off we went. The shave was incredibly smooth, and the scent from the Prep had seemed to mellow a little. WTG and then ATG and a warm water rinse. My skin felt like a BBS. The wife turned up in the den looked at me, said "hmm medical smell", and then touched the face / chin, "smooth" and then she left.

This morning my usual shower shave with my Merk head on a weber handle with a Latoja stick, same brush as last night. The shave was great, towel dry and then the Prep went on. Sweet lord this is great, a little sting / burn and thats it. The smell went after afew mins and my face is cut 'n' nick free. Splashed alittle Brut and off to swimming practice with my little girl.

Prep aint going to stay on the shelf I think its going to be there in the daily routine.
I'm finding I'm getting much better results since I started incorporating pre/post cream. Some creams/soaps don't need it, but there are others for which it makes a world of difference.
Still debating about 3P though. I may blow the budget and go for another tub of both Vitos and 3P.
Prep is excellent. I still need to try 3P because of all the hype. If you wish to step out of the box a bit, Bestshave sells a Bulgarian cream called Zdrave(?- Cyrillic alphabet and all that). It comes in a tiny blue container and is exceptional. Just a very small amount goes a very long way. Feels great post shave. I have also used the Havilland cold cream. It works well enough but not as well as Zdrave or Prep.

I've been looking for a good postshave cream that will help to heal irritated skin. I have one small area that frequently doesn't like the feel of a blade and tends to rash. I'm not really interested in a preshave, but a good healing postshave that might also aid in preventing irritation would be a real find. I don't care for products with menthol, I get a reaction to anything shaving related with menthol. Would you recommend Zdraves as a best choice? Thanks for the tip.
Prep has also worked well on my hands. As an Ambulance man, we're always washing our hands. So before bed I've used the Prep. Nice, hands feel tingely but have no sore spots like I get with regular hand creams.
I have used both Proraso Pre and 3P and I prefer 3P because it goes on easier than the Proraso, smells nicer and I love the yellow tub with the red cover! I will by a bigger jar the next time!
Well I couldnt get P3 so plumped for a big tub of the Vitos. WHen I picked it up from the PO it was so cold it had set rock hard . It softend up in around two hours though. Well I decided to stay with what I knew and use the Vitos as the post shave cream. The Prep is for hands and any other sore spots. I did notice the smell mellowed a great deal when half way down the tub.
I used to have a tub of Santa Maria Novella's pre-post cream. It worked better as a post especially in the cold and dry winter months. I had it three years and only just finished it. I think there are better and cheaper products available out there.
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