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Possible incoming from India

So the other day, I was at work and had to displace someone from his office for a few minutes while I
did a quick repair.

He's a very nice guy and he mentioned that he was going to spend the rest of December plus January
in his home country, India. After a few minutes, he asked if I would like him to bring me anything from India.
I thought for a second, then launched a discussion about shaving, which I never do.

We chatted about some of the products readily available in India. I mentioned Godrej and Old Spice creams, the Vidyut blades (SuperMax, etc.),
Gillette 7s, Gillette Guard, etc. I finally said that, if he came across anything related to shaving an DE products, that I
would appreciate it.

Let's see what comes back in six weeks!
Sounds like you have "man on the ground". Hope you get some nice shave related products when he returns.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Godrej rocks! And it is dirt cheap! Also Indian alum block is crazy cheap, too. SuperMax blades are excellent. Tell him don't bother bringing you any brushes from India, though. Old Spice cologne or AS would be a good purchase. Indian OS seems weaker than original Shulton but still closer than the P&G stuff here in the States.

If he doesn't bring you anything else, make sure he brings you some Godrej.
You can fit a ton of Godrej rounds and cream tubes in the spaces of a suitcase. It is actually recommended for proper packing.
I have a coworker that will do the same for me next year when he goes back, but the looks he gets from purchasing it will be fun since he's a Sikh and has never shaved...
Are the Gillette (India-made) blacks and greens easily available there? The blacks are widely praised but are pretty expensive on the web.

+1 on Godrej shaving round (as long as you use a bit of pre and/or post-shave moisturizer).
The implication was that I'm interested in the shaving items commonly used by Indian men.
I'm leaving it open to his interperetation and I made it clear that he should not go out of
his way for me - just whatever he comes across along the way.

FWIW, he doesn't seem to be a dedicated DE man, because he alluded to using
the common American shaving products here.

I'll let you know what he comes back with.
How did I miss this thread?! I'm from India and although I live in Singapore, there are quite a few that your friend can buy from India, apart from the Indian Gillette blades and Godrej shaving creams / rounds:

1. Biotique Bio Palmyra shaving cream - this is my current regular usage cream and I'd go as far as to say that it is better than the much admired Godrej shaving cream! It's a non-tallow cream and is prepared from all plant / oil based ingredients (includes coconut oil & peanut oil). Although this one is not easily available in Indian grocery stores, it can be ordered online easily from Indian shopping sites such as flipkart.com & snapittoday.com. Caveat Emptor - this cream smells like 80% wild grass 20% green apple. I like the smell since but it is quite unlike other fragrance based shaving creams
2. Biotique Biograss aftershave gel - another plant based aftershave gel that is very good and has a nice clean smell and feels very cooling & soothing on the skin
3. Dirt cheap alum blocks - they cost around 25 Indian Rupees per block which would be around 50 US cents per block
4. Other Indian shaving creams like Denim, Park Avenue, Old Spice based on original Shulton formula - I have tried only the Old spice shaving cream but the smell was too strong for me
5. Shulton Old Spice classic aftershave - nice classic Old Spice smell

Most of the above products except razor blades & alum block can be purchased online through flipkart.com or snapittoday.com and delivered to your friend's address.

With regards to the pricing of razor blades in India, a 5 pack of Indian Gillettes or Vidyut Supermax would cost between 40 - 45 Rupees or approximately 80 US cents. Godrej shaving round costs around 17 Rupees or 40 US cents.

Hope this helps!
thekinge -- Thanks for this information. I had never heard of the Biotique brand before.

As you mentioned, many products from India are readily available online, so didn't feel the need to make special requests.
I'll leave it up to him and see what comes my way.
thekinge -- Thanks for this information. I had never heard of the Biotique brand before.

As you mentioned, many products from India are readily available online, so didn't feel the need to make special requests.
I'll leave it up to him and see what comes my way.

You're welcome ateace. While most of the well known products are available from US based online wet shaving shopping sites, Biotique is still an "India only" product. If you're interested in trying Biotique, you may want to ask your friend to order from the India based online shopping sites I have provided prior and have him carry it over to the US for your.
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