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Port wine. Game over


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Does a vintage bottle say "vintage port" in flashing lights on the label? Otherwise how will I know it's a vintage port?





Not flashing lights ... but pretty clearly labelled, IMHO. You will also notice a big jump in price, so that might be a good sign too.

In the olden days, they just marked the bottles with paint ... the maker and the year ...


(Actually those are bottles of Madeira ... but the same idea was used for Port.) You may still see some bottles that use the "old timey look" of painted labels.


... but they will say "vintage" if they are. (Considering how long the bottles had to spend in dark, dank, dusty cellars, the paint is far more durable than paper labels!


And yes, Late Bottles Vintage says so on the label too (although sometimes they just use "LBV".)





Needs milk and a bidet!
I have nothing to worry about then! And the two stores I stopped at don't have vintage bottles.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Found some white port but its a giant bottle. 1.5L
This will take me some time to drink. If it starts to taste bad I'll just dump it. Only cost 10 bucks.

I don't know what the other is? Doesn't say Ruby, or Tawny, or LBV, or Vintage. .... any ideas?


Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
The white is what I would charitably call a "wino wine". On the level of Diamond Red, MD 20-20, or Thunderbird.The other is a tolerable ruby port.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Fairbanks wines are cheap low quality wines. We only use them for cooking.

I only ever found one "port" from outside Portugal that was worth drinking ...


Cheap as chips ruby, it was actually pleasant and enjoyable. Mind you, the last time I found it or tried it was in the early 90's, so things might have changed (and the other "74" offerings from Brights were not good.)

Now, I'm not saying it's impossible for people outside Portugal to make a good "port", and I'm not saying nobody has done it yet ... I just haven't found one, and after a while, gave up looking.
Now, I'm not saying it's impossible for people outside Portugal to make a good "port", and I'm not saying nobody has done it yet ... I just haven't found one, and after a while, gave up looking.
Oh, C'mon Doc4, They may be harder to find because they don't have the popularity of Port, but pretty much every wine growing region makes a fortified wine. Australia, South Africa, California, and Washington all make some pretty darned good Port-styled wines. It's taken forever, but finally, most producers have stopped referring to their wines as "Port". However, Australia seems to be to last to respect the wine gods and quit calling it something it's not.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
all make some pretty darned good Port-styled wines

Back when I was looking, there were none (apart from the surprisingly decent Brights 74). As mentioned before, I acknowledge the possibility that these wines may exist.

finally, most producers have stopped referring to their wines as "Port"

I think generally the wine industry has moved on from needing to name their new-world wines "the same as" old world wines to try to get credibility. And seeing Champagne(R)(TM) defend it's nomenclature turf so stridently helped everyone accept that new terms can be a good and useful option.

I'm particularly fond of the new-world terminology "meritage" ... essentially a Bordeaux-style blend, but without any pretense of trying to be Bordeaux. Instead of confusion, we get claret-fication.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
without any pretense of trying to be Bordeaux. Instead of confusion, we get claret-fication.
You know you can't use the words claret and Bordeaux so close together without the obligatory Fawlty Towers reference.


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
The white is what I would charitably call a "wino wine". On the level of Diamond Red, MD 20-20, or Thunderbird.The other is a tolerable ruby port.

What’s wrong with MD20-20 and Thunderbird?
At least for the following 3 or 4 days after drinking it you know you drank it!
Just like my Strawberry Hill—with it I learned the fine art of hanging a foot off the bed to stop the spinning and to work all day with a headache from hell.

Kind of like Jose Cuervo in college?
Well for some of us it was senior year in high school!
I’ll stay away from white and the newest Port, pink. It’s just not Port to me. The ladies in my family like a Port tonic as a hot weather beverage.
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