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Polsilver Siper Iridium, now i am a believer

I find that i get a good shave first go , then 2 and 3 r great. 4 th is good then toss it regardless, shaving every other or 3 day.

The funny thing is, even though the Polsilver didn't FEEL good on this first try, the shave itself was good -- no nicks, no irritation, zero sting from the alum. So, there's that. I'll see how it goes on the second and third.
There will also be lot variation.

I also think, I mean I know, that people are going to assign properties to blades that don't exist. Same as 24/96 audio vs CD. People who claim a difference would never be able to prove it with double blind testing.

What are you trying to say ? That there is no difference between a derby and a feather, the difference are only in our head ?
Had my second shave with the Super Iridiums today. Got it from tryablade.com as a sample....I've only tried Sharks (my gotos since 2011), Merkurs (yuk), Dorco 300s (Ok), and some no-name blades I got in a Dollar Store in Florida (sharp, but rough) and so far the Iridiums are ahead of the pack by a large margin. Once that blade loses it luster, I'm gonna try the Rapira Supersteels. I hope its just as smooth and sharp as the Iridums since the Supersteels are less than half the cost of the Iridiums.

Which rapira are these ? the swedish supersteel ? I found to be just ok. I ll have to revisit them one day.


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
When I started 'old school shaving' 5 years ago, I put together a custom blade sampler of all the most popular brands you read about.
Feathers, Israeli IP's, Astra SP, Shark Chrome 7 O' Clocks, greens, yellows, blue's, Derby's.

They didn't have the Polsilver SI then, but the original Russian Iridium Supers. While I liked the utter smoothness of Red IP's and the great all around blade and price of the Astra, I just fell in love with the sharpness and smoothness of the Russian SI and the fact that they universally work in every DE razor I own, where other DE blades will only work in certain razors. I bought 50 of them and wasn't paying attention to the boards when they were discontinued.

By the time I noticed, You could only find the original SI's at scalpers prices. I was devastated. Went on a search for over a year to find a DE blade that would bring back the joy I got when using the SI blade. Found the 7 O'Clock Black and was content enough. Then the Polsilver SI hit the market. Could it be? I had exactly 5 Russian SI's left to compare to the Polsilver SI's. I couldn't tell the difference. I knew I would never be unprepared again. I have a lifetime supply of Polsilver Super Iridiums.

The Feather is the sharpest blade I have ever tried. The Israeli Red is the smoothest blade I have ever tried. If these two blades had a baby, it would be named the Polsilver Super Iridium. It is the sharpest & smoothest DE blade combination to be had. It gives me 7 shaves a blade and is more than worth the small extra cost over other blades.
...The Feather is the sharpest blade I have ever tried. The Israeli Red is the smoothest blade I have ever tried. If these two blades had a baby, it would be named the Polsilver Super Iridium...

And if all three had an orgy the offspring would be the Gillette Nacet Stainless made in Russia. :lol:
Definitely going to have to revisit this blade. My first two attempts were with bad blades that had burrs and tore my face up. My fiancée loves them in her razors and even bought 100. I'll just have to give one a try in my 1958 Gillette Fatboy for Fatboy February and the One Blade in February events. See if they work for me now, and if I just had a bad pack.
My second shave with my first Polsilver (in a Red Tip Super Speed) went well, with just two minor nicks both of which were likely my not paying attention here and there. Still no sting from the alum or any particular irritation. Interesting that what I'm not yet sold on is the FEEL of the blade, though it seems to be cutting as effectively the Personna lab blues. The latter just feel better. I'll keep at it.
I was using a tto at first, but once i went to an adjustable and setting 5. It sings now. I just ordered 100 polsilver from dcc so will be good for awhile.
I was using a tto at first, but once i went to an adjustable and setting 5. It sings now. I just ordered 100 polsilver from dcc so will be good for awhile.

I get my best shaves from my Slim with a setting of 4. Currently i am trying PSI in a Rimei (Tech knock off) that i bought in chine for 50 pence. The rimei is a bit handle heavy but does a decent job for the price. Definitly will keep it for travel or reuse the handle on clone tech.
I have been wet shaving for a long time, and recently started with Double Edge Safety Razors (last 6 months), and I have to say that the Polsilver Super Iridiums are pretty awesome blades. I've tried several blades, but the Polsilver SI blades are my go-to, and I ordered 200 of them. They are smooth, and don't cause irritation. They never pull on the first 4 shaves. They just work for me and my Merkur. I have a ton of blades to try, but nothing compares, and at 21 cents US each that I payed, it's a bargain. I have many others to go through, but between each type I'm going to use a Polsilver Super Iridium as my standard. Great blade and great price.
I am hoping that the 100 PSIs that I ordered from dcc on 1/7 will be in the mailbox today. I understand that they take about 3 weeks to get here from Bulgaria. If they are as good as I think they will be, I might have to do the 200/$42 order. A rotation of PSI, 7 O'clock Black and Feather may keep me satisfied for a long time.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I have 300 PolSilvers and also use Med Preps. I find these blades to be very similar.

$17 more for 100 blades? That's pretty darn close to $1 a month more. I am, fortunately, in a position where $1 a month doesn't change my life style.

But it is $17 more at the time of purchase and I don't disparage being frugal as a philosophy. It's always better to do what makes you happy.
I'd love to try PolSilver along with Gillette 7 o'clock blacks, but I can't find a sampler mix with both. I already have one and it would simply be too expensive to get another one and I was about to buy 100 Astras until I saw this thread.That being said can someone send it to me :laugh: I mean I have packs of Gillette Silver Blue, Nacet, Shark, Lord, Wilkinson, Treet, Personna blue, 7 o'clock yellow... all of them are missing 1 blade that I tried. Also Feathers pack of 9. Two unopened Super Max and unopened Derbys. I could send you them all in exchange for those two. I live in Germany.
I'd love to try PolSilver along with Gillette 7 o'clock blacks, but I can't find a sampler mix with both. I already have one and it would simply be too expensive to get another one and I was about to buy 100 Astras until I saw this thread.That being said can someone send it to me :laugh: I mean I have packs of Gillette Silver Blue, Nacet, Shark, Lord, Wilkinson, Treet, Personna blue, 7 o'clock yellow... all of them are missing 1 blade that I tried. Also Feathers pack of 9. Two unopened Super Max and unopened Derbys. I could send you them all in exchange for those two. I live in Germany.

They have them here. http://tryablade.com/blade/polsilver-super-iridium http://tryablade.com/blade/gillette-super-platinum
Thanks, it is an awesome website, but those are located in U.S. though and $3.75 for a pack + $4 for shipping and delivery is up to 10days, it's pretty much the same if I buy locally for 4.9euro a pack. Basically why buy 10blades for 10euro if I can buy 100 Astras for 10eur...

If you filled in your location in your profile it would help greatly by letting people know where to look.
Thanks, it is an awesome website, but those are located in U.S. though and $3.75 for a pack + $4 for shipping and delivery is up to 10days, it's pretty much the same if I buy locally for 4.9euro a pack. Basically why buy 10blades for 10euro if I can buy 100 Astras for 10eur...

I concur...every DE newbie should go to this website first if they want to find the blade that is right for them.
I'd love to try PolSilver along with Gillette 7 o'clock blacks, but I can't find a sampler mix with both. I already have one and it would simply be too expensive to get another one and I was about to buy 100 Astras until I saw this thread.That being said can someone send it to me :laugh: I mean I have packs of Gillette Silver Blue, Nacet, Shark, Lord, Wilkinson, Treet, Personna blue, 7 o'clock yellow... all of them are missing 1 blade that I tried. Also Feathers pack of 9. Two unopened Super Max and unopened Derbys. I could send you them all in exchange for those two. I live in Germany.

have you tried the blade exchange ? If you are in the UK i'd happily pif you a pack of 5 blades.
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