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POLL: What's Your Shaving Tool?

What is Your Shaving Tool of Choice?

  • Disposable Razor

  • Cartridge: single or multi-blade

  • Double-Edge Razor

  • Single-Edge Razor

  • Injector

  • Shavette

  • Straight Razor (includes Kamisori)

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.
I apologize if this have been done before; I am not aware of any recent polls on this. I am constantly amazed by the variety of tools people use to remove facial hair. My personal journey went from Gilette Fusion through DE, SE and finally straights. I now exclusively use straights, and recently got into honing them.

What about you? What is your sharp implement of choice? For those of you who can't make up your mind, the poll allows multiple choices.
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I can't make up my mind so I voted for the types that I use: DE, SE, and cartridges. The majority of the time I use DE razors though.
I started with a Merkur HD which I liked reasonable well. I now use two different Gilette Super Speeds (1966 & 1972). Removed some TOBS St. Jermyn this morning with the '72, and it was truly enjoyable.
I had to vote for multiple choices, as I use pretty much everything except disposables and single edge razors. Love the variety and experimenting with options.
DEs, SEs, Injectors, shavettes, and currently trying to learn straights. I love the variety. It's the spice of life they say...
Not surprised by the results, so far! Someday I'd like to switch up to a straight razor, but I'm a DE shaver for now
Just bought some vintage straights yesterday. Going to work on honing the blades and eventually using them.
Over the years: electric - disposable (for about 4 painful shaves) - sensor Xl - electric - Mach 3 - Schlick Quattro - Mach 3 - electric - fusion - straights and now I'm happily getting shaves that are both close and comfortable rather than sacrificing one for the other or sacrificing both for speed/convenience.
Normally DE; Disposable or cartridge when out of town. I have two injectors in my collection but haven't tried them as of yet.


B&B's Man in Italy
I love both straights and DEs. I'm a fan of German made razors in both cases, with Bokers for straights and Merkurs for DEs.
I pretty much go back and forth between Shavettes and SE razors these days. Sometimes an injector thrown in just for fun. Can't recall the last time I used a DE.
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