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Poll: What do you shave with?

WHat do you shave with?

  • Straight razors ONLY

  • DE razors & straights

  • DE razors

  • DE & cartridge razors

  • DE & single edge/injector razors

  • Single edge/injector razors

  • Gillette's Mach III razors

  • Gillette's Fusion razors

  • TracII/Atra razors

  • Other cartridge system

  • Everything

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Why can't people post polls so that I can pick multiple answers? There's an option to allow that when posting polls.

I shave with "everything."
Why can't people post polls so that I can pick multiple answers? There's an option to allow that when posting polls.

I shave with "everything."

I thought I did allow for multiple choice. Maybe I forgot to check or uncheck that option. :blushing:
I use DE and Carts at the moment. Just started using a DE after 20 years of Cart shaving. I did actually learn on a DE but got lazy when shaving with a hangover ;->
If this came up in 6 months, I think it would have been DE's only.

I use mostly DE's but try to get a straight shave in at least once a week, usually on the weekend when I have more time.
DE usually. I use a cart when time is really tight.

- ice

This, but time is mostly tight when I'm traveling (and if I'm flying myself - ie not flying commercial - I'll bring along my DE anyway). Just not worth losing a perfectly good DE razor to the TSA, regardless of what the regs allow. Not worth the argument with an armed law enforcement officer, either!
I shave with everything except for straights, electrics, and unusual objects like scissors or swords. Oh, and anything I'm not thinking of.

Mostly injectors, frequently SEs, occasionally DEs, and sometimes cartridges. If I ever get around to my Rolls, you can add wedge blades to the list.
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