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POLL: Facial Hair Poll...

Facial Hair Poll

  • Mr. Clean look

  • Mustache

  • Goatee (hair chin)

  • Van Dyke (mustache & hair chin combo)

  • Full Beard

  • Other (Add your comment)

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Hope all is well with U & your families. Just wanted 2 know what type of hair or no hair U currently have on your face. I'll start: I currently sport the Van Dyke (some call it the goatee but it's really the van dyke...mustache w/ goatee). I did sport the full beard several months ago but the "itching" bothered me.

So... how 'bout U? Mr. Clean look? mustache? goatee? van dyke? full beard? soul patch? What's your story? Also... on a side note if U have facial hair when was the last time U sported the Mr. Clean look on face.

i'm not a fan of facial hair of any kind. I did an experiment and grew out my mutton chops a couple months ago and it was mildly irritating. not only did it itch a lot but they only really worked when it was cold out. facial hair is the mark of a lazy man imho.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Me...I had a 'stach' until I was 40, but now I'm clean shaven. :thumbsup:

"Don't worry about the [cuts,weepers and] nicks and pick up your life...forget all the bad things, the painand the strife". Author Unknown
I had a Van Dyke for a few years. I recently started shaving it, probably about 8 months ago. Who is to say it won't come back though? It probably will this winter.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Well, given that this is a site devoted to the joys of traditional shaving ... :001_rolle
I've got the full beard, with an impeccably shaved neck. It's well kept and works well for me. Occasionally I'll go clean-shaven, but I end up looking quite young (as I'm 24 that's not unexpected). Also, lets just say I have much better luck with the beard.


Used to have fun with Commander Yellow Pantyhose
Soul patch. Used to do the full beard for almost 10 years and took it off a month ago.
I keep some sort of facial hair all the time. Right now I have a Van Dyke. But I'm going back to a full beard soon. It's the facial hair I sport most of the year. It has been many years since I have been clean-shaven.
Sported the soul patch for 6-7 years, and shaved it off last August 2nd. The day after my daughter was born. I have a feeling it will make a comeback at some point.
Right now I am wearing a very stylish handlebar mustache. I've had facial hair of some sort for the past 15 years. Typically it is goatee sans mustache, or full beard. I sometimes delve into mutton chops or friendly mutton chops though. The handlebar has been around for about 6 weeks now since I shaved off a full beard. It gets lots of compliments and comments, and I just find it to be fun.
Fulltime mustache. I've had it since bootcamp ('71) in one fashion or another. Handlebar with a custer or just a little extension past the corners of the mouth. Sideburns don't extend past the middle of my ear.
Full beard. Closely trimmed (not one of those 5 o'clock shadow deals); shave neck and cheeks. Occasionally screw it up by not paying attention while shaving, but it fills in so fast that it's generally not a problem. I have had a beard, in more or less the same style for probably +/- 45 years. In my prior life I was an exec in a very buttoned up/down multi-national company; generally the only one around with a beard. Shaved every morning and kept the beard carefully groomed. I really can't stand seeing sloppy, unkempt beards (any style); it's part of the whole pride in one's self (or lack thereof thing).
I was newly out of boot camp when i met my wife, she liked the buzzed head which slowly transitioned to shaved, still in the military so it is still all clean, no stache even, so the true mr. Clean for me
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