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Please teach me something I don't know yet

Sometimes forum members talk about the agressive nature of a razor. What are they talking about? When I think of agresive I think of a man with a gun sneaking up on a target. Pelase excuse my ignorance and teach me something that I do not know about.
Sometimes forum members talk about the agressive nature of a razor. What are they talking about? When I think of agresive I think of a man with a gun sneaking up on a target. Pelase excuse my ignorance and teach me something that I do not know about.

In a nutshell aggressiveness refers to the amount of blade exposure on a razor... the more blade exposure, the more aggressive.
"Aggressive" isn't the best term, I agree. It refers to the amount of blade exposure, or the distance between the blade and safety guard. Thus more "aggressive" razors have more gap, and can cut closer, as well as give you wicked razor burn and/or nicks if you aren't careful.
aggressive=blade exposure

This may or may not be a good thing. It can lead to razor burn.

Just realized Scotto beat me to it...
Trying to learn as much as I can on this forum.

As to the desirability of an "aggressive" razor, that's more subjective. Some with a coarse beard might like a greater degree of exposure to the blade. I like an adjustable like the slim-handled Gillette or Fatboy because I can dial "9" at times and get a lot of blade exposure, and then there are times when I might have been overzealous and want less blade exposure to let my face heal some, so I dial it down.

Techs aren't so aggressive because the safety bar is going to limit your exposure to the blade. Some SuperSpeeds came in different designs with more or less blade exposure (blue-tipped handle meant less exposure, and red-tipped handle meant more exposure.)
Thus an agressive blade is more likely to cut and irritate. I have been told that with a more agressive razor one gets a closer shave but its more easy to cut yourself. My entry level shaver does not have a particularly lot of blade expsoure. My new one will be adjustable so I dial up for closer and lower to allow the face to heal.

Great stuff as always I knew I could rely on forum members to teach me something I did not know.
Dude, are you a genius or something? No offense but you seem surprised to learn something new...perhaps it's a language barrier thing.

If you don't learn something new everyday, something is wrong.
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