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Please kindly recommend an alternative bowl/container to the Cade Shaving Bowl

I squeezed the trigger on a puck of Cade, but could't bring myself to buy the bowl (made in China!) @ $28. What do you suggest that I keep the soap in? Perhaps the AOS bowl will work. Thanks in advance.
The Cade puck is a pretty standard size puck of shave soap.... I imagine just about any "non-Chinese" standard shave soap bowl would do. :001_tongu I like IKEA Grundtals for many of the soaps I have.... but I couldn't tell you where those are made.

Thanks, Ben. I don't really care where it is made as long as its inexpensive. However, if I'm going to pay more I would prefer that it not be China.

I will check IKEA. :thumbup1:
It really depends on what you want the bowl FOR. If you want to display it on your countertop, WCS has some wooden bowls that will be MUCH cheaper than the AOS or L'Occitane bowls. If you simply want to stack it and maybe tape the label to the top, then a plastic bowl like Prop linked to would work much better, and be much cheaper. In addition, they travel very, very well, which is a big concern for me.

I bought the L'Occitane bowl as it is the only bowl my wife will allow to be kept on the bathroom counter, it really is well made and beautiful to boot. I would think that the empty soap jars available at WCS would work, I bought some for my MWF.


By Grabthar's hammer, I love those bowls. I have several of them, and with minor trimming most high-end pucks will fit easily. Also, if you place an order with Mama Bear you can get a free bowl from her. I love using those, since they stack extremely easily.
Should you ever find youself on United Airlines, or in a United lounge, check out the bowls. On that crap snack buffet, you'll see these wide shallow bowls. A Cade puck fits perfectly. Just guessing...
I guess I was surprised to hear that the Cade bowls came from China :chinese: .... I always figured they were from someplace like Mars or Saturn by the looks them :alien: .

They Cade bowls are nice even if they are made in china, but you can find interesting bowls everywhere. I hit up bed bath and beyond and found a little container over by the toothbrush holders (great razor stands btw) that was all stainless, was meant for cotton balls or qtips, but it held a puck of C&E nomad perfectly was on clearance for a lot less the the cade bowl
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