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Please help identify this razor.

I purchased a razor lot last week, but I'm having trouble identifying this guy. I am almost positive I have seen one before, but I cannot remember who the manufacturer is and the seller must be really busy because his communication leaves alot to be desired. It looks like the baseplate is made of bakelite. Maybe Ben Hur or Mulcuto??? Any help would be appreciated.

Can you open it and take more pics? I am guessing Wardonia razor.

Well Alex, I kind of jumped on the auction pretty quickly and this was the only pic of this razor. After the purchase, I asked the seller a few questions but didn't get any response. I'll try again later today and ask for more pics if he hasn't already shipped.
Anyone else think they know who may have produced this razor? Looking at the baseplate, I think Alex may be pretty close with the Wardonia guess.
I just stumbled across this closed listing on the bay...and, I am massively jealous of the the Emir that was also in that lot.

Congratulations on a nice purchase! I hope those razors shave as good as they look!
Thanks Buckeye! Like I said, I quickly jumped on the auction shortly after it opened because I immediately noticed the Emir slant as well as the unidentified razor discussed above. Emir slants are pretty uncommon (at least to me they are), and the one I previously purchased is an incredible shaver. It's assymetrical (one side is designed to be more aggressive), whereas the one in this auction is not. I'm anxious to try out both of these new acquisitions.
Well, here is an update to my inquiry. I received the razor lot that I purchased last week, and now I have even more questions than answers regarding this razor. Here are a couple of more pics.

$image.jpg $image.jpg

Very nice looking razor with a large handle. The has some heft to it.
Also, if you look closely you will notice something peculiar where the handle meets the baseplate.
Notice the angles on the bottom of the baseplate? They allow the razor to do

this . . .

$image.jpg $image.jpg

The head can be locked at two different positions - 30 degrees and 45 degrees.
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Here is where it gets even more interesting. The baseplate is obviously some kind of plastic or bakelite, but upon closer inspection it appears that there is a different material present. The top portion of the baseplate is made of a softer material. It almost looks to be some kind of clay-type material. I'm curious whether or not it was produced this way from the factory or if someone attempted to reproduce a lost, broken, or decomposed part themselves.

View attachment 378362
Anybody recognize or have any additional information on this razor? There are no markings anywhere to help identify it.
Anybody recognize or have any additional information on this razor? There are no markings anywhere to help identify it.
I have seen a few of these but really cant pin point them. The markings or case would really help but without that it would take a while to track it down on my Waits or online.
Thanks again Alex. Don't go out of your way, but if you would keep it in the back of your mind, hopefully you might stumble across something. I'll keep googling. Maybe I'll get lucky.
Thanks again Alex. Don't go out of your way, but if you would keep it in the back of your mind, hopefully you might stumble across something. I'll keep googling. Maybe I'll get lucky.

I have checked for hundred razors already and no luck yet.....
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