I've tried on a few occasions pipe smoking, generally I prefer a cigar but I've always loved the smells of different pipe tobaccos. I was wondering if there are any good pointers to get started in pipe smoking. I don't know if it was my tobacco, pipe, technique, or what but when I always tried it it seemed I was getting maybe a few puffs out of it and I'm monkeying with it, trying to get it lit, etc.
Is that just the nature of pipe smoking or should you not have ti fuss with it constantly. I mostly gave it up because it seemed I spent more time messing with it than actually smoking it. I have a JR Cigar store within 20 minutes of me so I think finding supplies isn't a problem (unless you guys know of better resources). Any help to a noob would be appreciated.
Is that just the nature of pipe smoking or should you not have ti fuss with it constantly. I mostly gave it up because it seemed I spent more time messing with it than actually smoking it. I have a JR Cigar store within 20 minutes of me so I think finding supplies isn't a problem (unless you guys know of better resources). Any help to a noob would be appreciated.