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Pipe Of The Day (POTD)

WCC Simply VOriental in a Castello 55

Again, I am up earlier than I planned. But I prepared: a mix of Stirling Flake and Match Prince Albert, about 30/70, dried on a saucer before dinner, then loaded into the Jeantet horn-stemmed straight billiard before I went to bed. I'm puffing gently on it as I type and watch (sort of) a Cannon episode from 1976.

ETA: With relights and breaks, including one for some toast, this pipeful came in at nearly an hour. And the Jeantet does not have a particularly big bowl, either. But this mix leaves a faint "toasted" aroma on my beard and mustache! I like mixing tobaccos to see what results.
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Didn't get a pipe in last night (after 26 hours in airplanes and airports, I just wanted to sleep).

Day off today, so I was planning to take care of the lawn, which after two weeks is beginning to look like something out of Apocalypse Now. Thunderstorms last night had other ideas, so I guess I'll just have another cup, and a big bowl of 5100 in my 2018 L.E. Erik...

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Remember to forget me!
Coniston Cut Plug is airing out in the Nording Compass. That might be smokeable later today.

In the meantime, I rubbed out a little more than would fit in that small bowl, so the remnants are being smoked in my curved Parker Panel, mixed with a little bit of Gawith's Kendal House, and MySmokingShop's Gentleman's Choice.
After a brief nap on a hot afternoon, I decided on a short pipe. My choice of tobacco kept it short: C & D Crooner, in the small carbureted Steel's Zulu I've set aside for that leaf. Ten minutes and my mouth was tingling. That stuff is . . . muscular. Just that ten and I tapped the pipe out (not much left in the small bowl). From now on I'll mix it with something milder!
My morning pipe w/ coffee: C & D Pegasus in the "Prince of Wales" small apple I bought in the '80s. Ten minutes' smoke woke me up along with the coffee. I set it aside with a cleaner up the spout, and tried smoking the rest again an hour later. It was too bitter for me even with the pipe cleaner to absorb moisture. So be it!
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