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Pinaud-Clubman products in Maine


I've struck out making a casual search in the Portland area for Clubman Bay Rum. Any hints or ideas where I might find some? Do any of the big chains normally stock it?

Some Walgreen's carry it, though I don't know if they have any stores in Maine.

If you go to the Walgreens website (www.walgreens.com), you can search for an item such as Pinaud Bay Rum, and then click the "Find In Store" option, input your zip code and it will come back with a list of local stores which tells if the store normally carries the product you're looking for. That's how I found my bottle locally. Of course, you should call before going out to make sure it's in stock at the moment. Good luck in your quest for the burn!
If you haven't tried it and want to get a whiff of it in the store, it has a seal on it (like a plastic tape around the cap) so you really can't do it easily. You might just want to go ahead and order it on line. It's so cheap that shipping doesn't amount to much and if you don't like it, you can bin it without feeling too bad.
Thanks guys. I'm working my way through the suggestions. Still have to call Sally's Beauty Supplies. I walked by one the other day and didn't think to check.
i don't think that Sally's carries it any more. They might have Clubman, but they told me a while ago that the only Bay Rum that their stores sells is Masters. Which is pretty weak indeed.
I tried all of your suggestions and struck out on all. Looks like I'm either going to have to buy it online or go for another brand. There's an upscale men's clothing store that sells St. Johns.
I tried all of your suggestions and struck out on all. Looks like I'm either going to have to buy it online or go for another brand. There's an upscale men's clothing store that sells St. Johns.

Where in Maine are you? I have a bottle of the Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum sitting around that I won't use. Is that what you're looking for?
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Where in Maine are you? I have a bottle of the Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum sitting around that I won't use. Is that what you're looking for?

Bravo, Redbike! ...Yet another reason why B&B is the most mannered and generous site on the whole web!
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