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Pin Question

I have a W&T Marsh wedge I'm attempting to clean up and get useable again (first restoration). It was kinda nasty. Any way, The pin hole diameter is a tad egg shaped. I assume from rust. but the main hole, or the smallest, is 1/8" or .125. What diameter are the brass rods supposed to be? Legion's post on pins says he uses a 1/16 drill bit for the holes in the scales. What size of washers do I need? Can someone walk me through this?

Most folks use 1/16 rods. For that you'll need size 0 washers. They'll probably be hard to find locally. You can get them here: http://www.microfasteners.com/catalog/products/WAS.cfm

Hey , thanks for the reply but the blade has an 1/8" hole. That did not answer the intital (sp?) question. I know about Mico fasteners, and I have done a search on B&B. I guess I might have to make a bushing from 1/8" to 1/6" but that will be a *****. Does Micro have bushings? That small? I'll keep searching.
Every razor I've restored has had a bigger pivot hole, its just the way they were made. It should be fine with the 1/16 rod without any additional pieces.


Staff member
You can cut a bushing from brass tubing, but what I do most often (because I'm lazy), I fill the hole with epoxy. Once it it dry I drill a new 1/16 hole through it.
Every razor I've restored has had a bigger pivot hole, its just the way they were made. It should be fine with the 1/16 rod without any additional pieces.

Ditto. Old Sheffield pivot holes were always punched out when hot not drilled. They're all egg shaped.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I have used ballpoint pen ink straws as bushings. Just take one apart and cut a little bit off the back. Epoxy is probably better if you have access to a drill press so you can square up the hole. Usually the fit is tight, but I just force it in.
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