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PIF - 50 Derby blades

It's Lent, and a time to sacrifice. Here are 50 Derby double edge blades. Reply here by 11:59 PM, EST on 2/26, and I will send 50 Derby blades to the entry that comes up via a random number generator. United States addresses only, please.

I'm a day 1 member of this board, wanting to repay lurking value.
My "lent" comment was because of the negativity many have expressed regarding Derby blades; I could see one of those folks committing to shaving with Derbys as their Lenten penance - a poor attempt at humor. Glad that fans are responding here...
Hi folks. Using the random number generator at http://andrew.hedges.name/experiments/random/, I used 1 - 19 (you were 45 minutes late, Unadan, but I let it slide). Interestingly, the first two numbers it supplied me matched Dools (who was "not in") and Seadoer (who is not in the US). The third time was the charm, and the winner was Sash.

Thanks for participating

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