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Philadelphia Wet Shaving Store

Good morning! Hope this is the right place to ask.

We know Pasteur's is the shaving mecca of NYC, and I've been there. But today I'm spending the day in Philadelphia and wondering if there is a shaving store worth checking out. Thanks!
Sorry I can't help you but I was thinking the same thing before reading your post. I'm wondering if it is a supply and demand thing that there aren't more brick and mortar stores, heck big box stores don't deal with shave supplies either except for the very common items. Where I live I have to get my supplies from web sites and I'm in a large metro area.
sad to report, few philadelphians shave nowadays!

Sorry I can't help you but I was thinking the same thing before reading your post. I'm wondering if it is a supply and demand thing that there aren't more brick and mortar stores, heck big box stores don't deal with shave supplies either except for the very common items. Where I live I have to get my supplies from web sites and I'm in a large metro area.
Totally. I live in the PNW and there really isn't a great shop in either Portland or Seattle (that I've found, yet). And I would've thought Portland would be the perfect city of a shop like this.
Good morning! Hope this is the right place to ask.

We know Pasteur's is the shaving mecca of NYC, and I've been there. But today I'm spending the day in Philadelphia and wondering if there is a shaving store worth checking out. Thanks!
I've been living in or near Philly my entire life - I don't know of any place. I get anything I need on-line. I may look into starting a store. I'm also wondering if anyone has a meet up in the area - I looked at Philly/South Jersey/DE...nothing.
Another thought other than razor blade manufactures is that companies producing soaps, creams, brushes, razors, etc. are not geared up to produce millions of product.


Dances with Wolfs
I lived in the Philadelphia area from 1985 until last year. I don’t know of any wet shaving stores. I just used to hop the NJT train to NYC and went to Pasteurs.

Regarding meetups, there were a couple of good ones in the area every year. But that was before the lockdowns. Now most of those Facebook groups that organize such things have dried up. There is an East Coast Wet Shavers group n FB, and they are still active. We had great meetups prior to 2020. Hopefully they will start them up again some day. Great group of guys.
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