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personna reds

after some uk based forum members told me some of the large supermarket chains sold personna red blades i got a hold of some, about £1.80 for a ten pack, loaded a blade in a webber bulldog/edwin jagger head combo, whipped up some supermax shave cream and done a three pass shave, very nice smooth shave with these, i use wilkinsons and astra blades, but i think these personnas may just top them, if they perform the same as this first shave i will be getting some more of these.
If you ever get a chance to try them out in an open comb head, that's when they really come into their own!
I agree with DMT - an OC razor really shows off the edge of this blade. It really hugs your face without feeling irritating. I'm currently at 120 Reds and 100 Crystals, and intend to stock up on a few more. My problem is not that I need 4 years of Personnas on hand - the problem is that I give them away to friends at a faster rate than I use them.
i hear what you are saying guys, one of these blades will be getting used in the fatip oc for sure, very nice blades, i am glad i got the nod on here about the uk supermarkets stocking them.
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