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Personna Medical Prep blades out of stock

At least at the two places where I know to get them.

Razor Blades and More say on their site that they're out.

I ordered some yesterday from Robbins Instruments and got an e-mail today saying their next shipment should be the second week in January.

By the way, it's my understanding that the American Safety Razor Co. was sold to another company recently. I think the quality of these blades will remain good because they are made for hospital use. That's why I believe in these blades, because they are made for this purpose and because I haven't had a bad one yet.
I ordered them yesterday... got an email today stating they have shipped! I should receive them Jan.4th.
I can't wait to try these blades. Thanks for help!
Where did you order yours from? Confirming John's post, Robbins told me today they were expecting them the second week of Jan. I ordered them maybe 2 weeks ago....

I ordered them from Robbins the same day the OP was nice enough to give me the link, they shipped yesterday, I will receive them Jan 4. Just tracked them UPS being sent from NJ.
We never know what will happen when a company sells. I always fear the worst, though, unfortunately. I hope these are so good. My skin is supper sensitive. :001_huh:
I have tried them via a PIF from a local member. They are indeed excellent blades. The only others I like as well are Feather and the Super Iridiums which are, currently, not available.
My box of 250 arrived today. Inside was some various flavored hard candies and a "Robbins" pen. Nice touches.

The blades themselves came in a box; each blade was covered in blue paper. On the blade it says "For hospital use".

I loaded the blade on my Red Tip, and after a nice lather of Proraso, started shaving. And oh, what a shave it was. I made several passes, WTG, XTG, ATG...no problems at all. No nicks, weepers or cuts. Hell, even "old faithful" a mole I usuallly irritate didn't seem bothered. This blade has passed my favorite, the Shark SS on my chart.

Give them a go. many reviews say they last a while. I will let you know.

*Edit....my wife claims they are for cadavers. I guess the deceased need a good shave.
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Holy Crap! They are hi-dollar!

Guess I won't be buying these in bulk as long as Red Personna, Super Thins and Astra are still on the market.
Holy Crap! They are hi-dollar!
$55 for 250? That's 22¢ per blade. Sure, it's not as cheap as Wally World Wilkinsons or Derbys, but it's not as expensive as Feathers or Gillette 7 O'Clocks either. I think it's a pretty reasonable price for what many consider a premium blade. And, I don't think everyday DE shaving is their primary market, anyway.
For my skin, all that matters is a a painfree shave. Started using de blades in '06, swedes mailed from england, I came to b&b looking for help for my sensitive skin and to find my new swedes. and I wasn't totally happy with the 'swedes'. Ordering 250 now and will be glade to post a blowbyblow account. Gettings 'labs' I think, not FHU blades.
After 2-3 shaves, my sensitive skin can feel the difference. So, I put in anew one. I got 250. My skin irritated too easy. I have both meds and
labs. No wonder "sold out." everyone must love these too.
$55 for 250? That's 22¢ per blade. Sure, it's not as cheap as Wally World Wilkinsons or Derbys, but it's not as expensive as Feathers or Gillette 7 O'Clocks either.
Well, you also have to remember that they are meant for surgical purposes. Which means that the hospital charges your health insurance company $500 for each blade.


Jeff in Boston
Just bought the lab prep ones from razorbladesandmore.com. Looks like they're still in stock, depending on how many you want. Lab prep and medical prep are the same (lab prep don't get the medical sterilization, AFAIK).
I love these blades. I still have to test them against a Feather again but since adding glycerin to my shaving cream mix and finding the right angle on my Blue Tip, I don't think i've ever had a more comfortable blade.

If they continue to be this good, I will probably buy 1 or 2 more packs of 250 just to prepare for the Shavepocalypse.
So I got my order from Robbins Tuesday. Three shaves and I can tell you these are officially "my blade":thumbup: As nice a shave as I get from Feathers but way less irritation. Really quite a bit better, overall, than any other blade I've tried.

If you fellas haven't tried them yet, you should give them a go.:thumbup:

$55 for 250? That's 22¢ per blade. Sure, it's not as cheap as Wally World Wilkinsons or Derbys, but it's not as expensive as Feathers or Gillette 7 O'Clocks either. I think it's a pretty reasonable price for what many consider a premium blade. And, I don't think everyday DE shaving is their primary market, anyway.

I would never spend 22 cents on myself. :001_rolle

Seeing as how many of us are loving these blades, the "high" price might keep some of the competition away. :biggrin1:

But I will suggest this to those who would like to try the blade but feel its too expensive --- I am getting twice the amount of shaves from these blades, as are many other gentlemen. So perhaps it will help if you think of the Med Personna as an 11 cent blade...
Just bought the lab prep ones from razorbladesandmore.com. Looks like they're still in stock, depending on how many you want. Lab prep and medical prep are the same (lab prep don't get the medical sterilization, AFAIK).

Does anybody know if the two blades shave the same? How about whether or not those Barber Personnas are any good?
Does anybody know if the two blades shave the same? How about whether or not those Barber Personnas are any good?
Many people have compared the Lab and Med blades, and the majority opinion is that they shave the same. It appears that the Barber blades are likely another incarnation of the same blade.
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