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Personna Labs...I'm so sorry for leaving you!

I had been using the Labs for roughly a year, and decided to try a blade sampler again. Maybe there was something smoother? HA! Anyways...two months into blade sampling and I was getting pretty fed up. Irritation, crappy shaves, and the feeling that I might not ever find a good blade led me back to the Lab. Damn. What an idiot! If it aint broke don't fix it! I have a VERY coarse beard. Medium thickness, but when I say coarse I mean it! Try em out!
I'm on my first Personna Lab blade still, 4 shaves in. The first couple shaves gave me a free bloodletting. I "wasn't using any pressure" but now I barely even think the blade is on my skin, until I feel after the pass that the blade indeed cut my hair.

The shave is also a CCS/DFS after two passes, with a couple touch up spots, and I'm still trying to decide whether to shave every day or every other. 36 hours seems like it might be the best time, but I don't know yet
AirForceMX, the Lab forgives! Both on the face and for your AWOL! Return to the fold brother! The Lab and Astra SP are my tied-for-first-place blade. I go back and forth and just can't bump either from rotation. The Lab gets a slight nod just because I like the 100-pack dispenser box and no glue spots.
How do these compare with the Persona's Surgical Prep blade? These are a lot less money than the Prep blade. Astra SPP is the other blade I'll always have on hand--great blade!

Update: For $13/100 these blades are worth trying a box--just order a box; when I read SteveWY's comment about going back and forth between these blades and Astras, one of my favorite blades that I always have in a razor 9and about 400 in stock), I have to try them. Thanks jdjones for sharing the eBay seller--best price on the 'net, even cheaper than Amazon.
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You will hear different opinions on that. Some say there is a difference microscopically, some will say the only real difference is the Med Prep gets an additional cleaning or sterilization. Some members here have done comparisons with negligible differences. Whatever the varying opinions, $13/100 for a very good blade is a value in anyone's book.
Any comments on how they compared to the Personna Reds? The Reds have become my top favorites, but I'm certainly curious about these...
I agree with you, SteveWY. I should have them in the next several days. Soon as I get them I'll load one a Progress and have at it. And if these guys are like my Astras, I may have to 'invest'.
Any comments on how they compared to the Personna Reds? The Reds have become my top favorites, but I'm certainly curious about these...

I have used the Reds as well. They were very smooth! The Labs though just seem like a more consisiten, solid performer. The reds were more picky with blade angle. With the Labs no matter what product I use, how attentive I am, or how many passes I do they are super comfy every time!
I have used the Reds as well. They were very smooth! The Labs though just seem like a more consisiten, solid performer. The reds were more picky with blade angle. With the Labs no matter what product I use, how attentive I am, or how many passes I do they are super comfy every time!

I'm going to try these, thanks for the feedback!
I have used the Reds as well. They were very smooth! The Labs though just seem like a more consisiten, solid performer. The reds were more picky with blade angle. With the Labs no matter what product I use, how attentive I am, or how many passes I do they are super comfy every time!

I like Reds over Labs. Reds were smoother. About the same sharpness.
I like Reds over Labs. Reds were smoother. About the same sharpness.

YMMV strikes again :biggrin1:

I already have 200 of the Reds, so I hope I prefer them too, but I still want to try them. I'll get a small samples of the Labs and see how well they do. Got a Weber ARC on the way, so it'll be fun to try out a few new blades too.
200 Reds and you haven't tried them? Wow. Send them my way.

The great blade exchange might be your friend for a couple of Labs.

Yes, ymmv. And that's not you make me vomit as my boss said the other day!
Labs are great blades. I just slightly prefer gillette blacks and feathers over labs. Crystals are another great blade for the $$
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