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Personal Penance PIF

Recently, I behaved in an ungentlemanly fashion on this site. I will offer no other explanation, so please don't ask. :oops: As personal penance for my behavior, I am offering one B&B Essential Brush to the poster who replies: "I'm in" and provides what I will judge as the best bad joke (think something a first grader would tell).

I'll start:

What's brown and sticky?


A stick.

I will choose a winner on Friday at 3:00PM EST.

Good luck and good laughs to all!
I'm in.

There was a fireman in Mexico who had twin sons. Did you hear what he named them?

José and Hose B
I'm in!

Whilst on a plane recently the flight attendant asked,

"Would you like some headphones?"

To which I replied,

"Sure but how did you know my name was Phones?"


System Generated
Well played WVUfanMG, I think we've all offended or done something we regret and it's how you go from there, that shows what kind of person you are....So Well Played:thumbup1:

I don't have one of these B&B boars yet, but will leave the chance for someone else to get it as I'm mostly a badger user at the moment.

But....a few of mine and my kids corny jokes that are clean and G1 friendly:

Q) What do you call a flying skunk?
A Smellicopter
Q) What do you call a cow with no legs?
ground beef
Q) What's a sheep's favourite sandwich?
Q) What do you call a dog with no legs?
It doesn't matter, he won't come to you anyway
Q) What kind of cheese is not yours?
Nacho Cheese
Q) What kind of cat should you never play a game against?
A Cheetah
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I'm in!

Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love, and got married. The wedding ceremony wasn't much, but... the reception was excellent!

*Edited to add: Man, this PIF is great. I haven't laughed so hard in weeks. I guess I have a first-grade sense of humor, hehe.
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I am not in, but I will contribute a joke.

Why did the man put the car in the oven?

Because he wanted a hot rod!!

(in memoriam of the late great Duane Ellett and Floppy. A blast from my past. I told that joke on The Floppy Show when I was a kid. Anyone of a certain age group from central Iowa will likely remember the show. Ahhh the innocence of youth...)
I'm in
A cheetah and a lion raced.
The cheetah won. The lion
says to the cheetah yousa
a cheetah and the cheetah
says to the lion well yousa lion.
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