I just finished shaving with Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet soap, and it was a real disappointment. I'm an old guy who has been wet shaving for about 50 years, and being of modest means, I tended to use the less expensive soaps. However, after a number of years, I reached a point where I could occasionally try a higher-end soap, usually in the $12-$17 range. But I decided to go all-out recently and plunked down $30 for a puck of Penhaligon's. For that amount of money, I was expecting a soap of great fragrance and lather -- sadly, it was niether. Sure, it was better than the Williams that I used for many years, but it was not nearly as good as many of the soaps that I've used that cost half as much. So, I have to ask, what is it about these "top of the line" soaps that causes people to continue buying them? Is it just snob appeal?