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Current Fad Soaps?

I have disappeared for a while here. I used to spend WAY too much time on here and tons of money on stuff. I haven't bought a single soap, cream or razor in probably 5 years. And I'd probably never run out with the stock I've got, but I'm a bit bored with it all. I'm curious what fad soaps or even creams are people salivating over now? I remember MdC being one of the biggest. I loved it, but sold it. My favorite I ever had was a cream - Penhaligons Blenheim Bouquet. I finally used it all up and then have moved on to my DR Harris Windsor which has lost it's scent entirely, but still performs fine. I've got 20 more soaps to go through, but I think I want to sample some new, maybe retry some old......guess I'm back!
There are a bunch of soap makers now and lots of names come up. A few good ones that I suppose are faddish:

Mike’s Natural Soaps
Saponificio Varesino

Also Tabac, because it’s Tabac.

MdC has several scents now, including two released last week (Absinthe and Magellan). I have a jar of Absinthe on the way.
Arianna and Evans has some great soaps and I love their K2e and Legacy bases.

Shannon Soaps is sort of up and coming and thier chupacabra base is excellent.
I'm not sure if Noble Otter and Zangari Man existed five years ago, but they are some of the newer soaps I've tried. Full disclosure: my favorite soaps are MdC and Proraso.

I find Noble Otter to be a great artisan to try out. The reason is that their scents are unique, and they perform great while using very little product.

Zangari Man is an artisan who made skin products before shaving soaps, as I understand it. Therefore, their shaving products are all advertised as great for the skin. I tried their (unscented) aftershaves before I bought their soaps and found them to be excellent. This Black Friday, I caved and bought my first soap from them called Watchman. I have only tried this soap one time, but it felt like shaving with pure body lotion, it's a very fattened soap. Good shave nonetheless, but it was a strange experience.
Man, a lot of names I see mentioned here are not what I would consider fad-ish. Artisans like Mike’s, B&M and Stirling have been around for over 10 years at this point, so I’d like to think they’re past the fad phase… let’s give these guys some credit 😎
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