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Penhaligons English Fern

I know from the comments of late that I may be being a little foolish, but I was thinking of purchasing English Fern to add to my rotation. I already have the Harris Arlington and was wondering if the scent of the two were similar enough so not to waste my money, especially in view of how well I know the Arlington performs?

I recently got the English Fern from a member here, and to the best of my understanding it was a newer formulation without the tallow. I thought the scents were very different. I thought the Arlington was a lighter, more crisp scent. the English Fern was a sharper scent, reminded me of Polo cologne. I found them to perform similiarly, maybe a slight tip towards the Arlington, but to be fair I have used Arlington longer. I prefer Arlington of the two, not sure I could get into the Pens English Fern.
To me Pen's English Fern and Harris Arlington are not similar at all. Pen's Blenheim Bouquet and Arlington are similar in their citrus base, but the Blenheim has a Black peppery scent that Arlington does not.
I've only got the older formulation of Pen's EF, but I don't think there was much, if any, of a scent change in the reformulation. The older formulation smells nothing like DR Harris Arlington. If you want a scent that is different from Arlington, then the Pen's EF probably wouldn't be a waste of money. If, however, you want a good performing soap, Pens EF is probably a waste of money. I haven't tried it, but I have tried the newer formulation of Pens Blenheim Bouquet. It is by far the worst shaving soap I've ever tried. It seems like folks have had mildly better success with EF, but still not much.
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I just noticed you are in the UK, look for the tallow based Erasmic shave sticks, they should be less than a pound at the local chemist, it has a fern type scent and is a great shave soap.
I actually feel like a boycott of a product is in order from companies like Pennhaligon's who reformulate their stuff and kill the performance. How else are they gonna learn?
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