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Pelikan closeouts at Goulet


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Just noticed that GouletPens has M200, M205, M215 (limited stock) going out the door before the price increase. To help with the enabling, an added 15% off using the code junecloseout gets you a 200 or 205 for less than $89 which is a very friendly price!
Just noticed that GouletPens has M200, M205, M215 (limited stock) going out the door before the price increase. To help with the enabling, an added 15% off using the code junecloseout gets you a 200 or 205 for less than $89 which is a very friendly price!

You are an evil man, Doug.

I think the M200 is a great stepping stone pen. Not too expensive, but being a dedicated piston fill, it holds a decent amount of ink. The 14K gold nib is nice, with the slightest bit of flex (for a modern pen).

It is a bit on the small side, so I post the cap on mine, to give me a little more pen to hold on to.
This is just plain mean. I can't do it though. I've already spent too much on shaving acquisitions this week. Well, more like these past few days.
I think the M200 is a great stepping stone pen. Not too expensive, but being a dedicated piston fill, it holds a decent amount of ink. The 14K gold nib is nice, with the slightest bit of flex (for a modern pen).

It is a bit on the small side, so I post the cap on mine, to give me a little more pen to hold on to.

The M200 doesn't have a gold nib. It's merely gold plated. Once upon a time there was a M250 that had a gold nib, but they've been out of production for ten years or so.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I think the M200 is a great stepping stone pen. Not too expensive, but being a dedicated piston fill, it holds a decent amount of ink. The 14K gold nib is nice, with the slightest bit of flex (for a modern pen).

Just an FYI, the M200 has a gold plated steel nib, you need to step up to the M250 or M400 for the 14K nib. A gold nib can easily be retrofitted in the M200 though!


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Just ordered a 200 medium, a bottle of Pelikan Brilliant Black, and a bottle of Lamy Black (for free shipping, and I want that bottle). Looks like I won't be ordering that Nording pipe with my tobacco order.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Just an FYI, the M200 has a gold plated steel nib, you need to step up to the M250 or M400 for the 14K nib. A gold nib can easily be retrofitted in the M200 though!

Who is the best source for 14 or 18k nibs for these? I would want to stay with a Pelikan brand nib, not some aftermarket nib.
Good source in USA? Fasten your seatbelt: http://www.nibs.com/PelikanNibsAvailableForCusto.htm

I get mine straight from Germany, about 65,00 EUR for 14K

That'll double the price of your M200, might as well just get an M400!

Doug, you mentioned it once before about the cost of certain Pelikan nibs... I wish I would have known! When I got my M805, I was mainly into Medium nibs. Now I like bigger (1 mm) stubs, so I would need to buy a double broad and have it ground to the tune of $250... Just for the nib! As much as I want it, I cannot justify that just for a nib!

Anyone have a double broad two tone Pelikan M800 nib they want to trade for a Medium nib???????
Much as I don't need any more pens, you almost had me. Luckily they only have the M205 and M200 in broad nibs. If they had had a fine, it might have been harder to resist. And the M215, even with the discount, is just a bit too much.

Of course, somewhere down the line, there will be something else that I can't resist.
Good source in USA? Fasten your seatbelt: http://www.nibs.com/PelikanNibsAvailableForCusto.htm

I get mine straight from Germany, about 65,00 EUR for 14K

That'll double the price of your M200, might as well just get an M400!

Alternatively, http://richardspens.com/ has a good selection as well. Pelikan nibs are not cheap, though. I suppose gold nibs in general are very expensive, but the cost of the Pelikan nib and feed assembly is nearly as much as some entire pens with a gold nib.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Goulet is also doing a close-out on most of the Kaweco nibs, including all the italics. IIRC they will just be selling M's from now on once the old stock is gone.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Just ordered a 200 medium, a bottle of Pelikan Brilliant Black, and a bottle of Lamy Black (for free shipping, and I want that bottle). Looks like I won't be ordering that Nording pipe with my tobacco order.

Oh dear, what have I done? When the wife says I can buy something, I usually jump quick before she changes her mind. After adding the pen and the PBB, I needed $8 more to get free shipping. I panicked and added the Lamy ink. Thinking about it now, I really NEEDED a 1.1 italic Lamy nib. Oh well, next time. I do like Lamy ink bottles, though.
Happens to the best of us, Owen. I agree though, the Lamy bottles are pretty nice.

Oh dear, what have I done? When the wife says I can buy something, I usually jump quick before she changes her mind. After adding the pen and the PBB, I needed $8 more to get free shipping. I panicked and added the Lamy ink. Thinking about it now, I really NEEDED a 1.1 italic Lamy nib. Oh well, next time. I do like Lamy ink bottles, though.
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