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Paul mole barbershop sidewalk sale

I went to Paul Mole Barbershop on Saturday and they were having a huge sidewalk sale - I bought a new EJ badger brush for just $20. They are having the sidewalk sale again on 10/25/09 so if you need soap, brushes, or blades you should shop by if you live in NYC. 74th and Lexington. Everything was 75% off! I bought 5 packs of blades for $.50
I went to Paul Mole Barbershop on Saturday and they were having a huge sidewalk sale - I bought a new EJ badger brush for just $20. They are having the sidewalk sale again on 10/25/09 so if you need soap, brushes, or blades you should shop by if you live in NYC. 74th and Lexington. Everything was 75% off! I bought 5 packs of blades for $.50

What else were they selling? Their website appears to be down.
There were a lot of EJ shaving brushes, stands and DE razors. Random brands of hard shaving soaps starting at $2.00. And they had a case of DE blades that were being sold really cheap- 2/ 5 packs for $1.00! There was also shampoo, conditoner and frangrances selling below wholesale proces. Apparently they are doing work inside the shop and do not have a storage space to keep all their stock while they work. I bought a years supply of shaving stuff and body wash for the next three years for $15.00
There were a lot of EJ shaving brushes, stands and DE razors. Random brands of hard shaving soaps starting at $2.00. And they had a case of DE blades that were being sold really cheap- 2/ 5 packs for $1.00! There was also shampoo, conditoner and frangrances selling below wholesale proces. Apparently they are doing work inside the shop and do not have a storage space to keep all their stock while they work. I bought a years supply of shaving stuff and body wash for the next three years for $15.00

I'm going to try and check it out on Sunday. Maybe I can get a brush for my brother-in-law, who is interested in starting wetshaving. Maybe a new razor for me. Did they have Merkurs?
I'm going to try and check it out on Sunday. Maybe I can get a brush for my brother-in-law, who is interested in starting wetshaving. Maybe a new razor for me. Did they have Merkurs?

Not sure if they had Merkurs. They had alot of random supplies there but it was mostly edwin jagger sets, pravaso soaps, shaving mugs, a couple open razors, tons of DE blades, some beginner shave sets... They did have a vintage Gillette set that I saw someone walk away with just as I walked up to the table. They sold it for just $25 and I am sure it was worth alot more.

I go to Paul Mole every two weeks for a haircut so just happen to show up on the day of the sidewalk sale. The website never works. But I am sure if you call the barbershop someone will be able to help you out more than I can. There's a sign in the shop saying the sale will go on again this sunday.

Its def worth checking out the sale if you live in the city.
I just called the barbershop to confirm - it's only this sunday from 10-4pm. Its outside the front door of the shop and if it rains it will be inside the shop on the second floor.
I picked up these 2 Muhle brushes at the Paul Mole sidewalk sale in NYC. The girl said Edwin Jagger is actually the manufacturer (which appears to be untrue). They were both parts of high-priced sets (razor, stand, etc.), but she gladly broke them up and sold each brush to me for $30 each. Was this a good deal?
I just called Paul Mole today October 30, 2009 at 1:30 pm NYC time and the guy on the phone confirmed they will have the sidewalk sale this Saturday October 31 at 11:30 am. He says there is still a good amount of stock left and depending on what time you go it should be good. Does anyone here that went last week have any tips to look out for at Paul Mole? Brushes, soaps, blades, which ones are good to get?
Apologies for the slightly OT, but has anyone used their house brand shave stuff or gotten a shave there recently? IIRC, some of our guys were beta testers for their house brand products (which didn't fare so well under our scrutiny).
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I just called Paul Mole today October 30, 2009 at 1:30 pm NYC time and the guy on the phone confirmed they will have the sidewalk sale this Saturday October 31 at 11:30 am. He says there is still a good amount of stock left and depending on what time you go it should be good. Does anyone here that went last week have any tips to look out for at Paul Mole? Brushes, soaps, blades, which ones are good to get?

Brushes and blades. Several Muele brushes, although they are all part of sets, they will sell the brushes by themselves. No DE razors, and I didn't recognize any of the soaps.
Brushes and blades. Several Muele brushes, although they are all part of sets, they will sell the brushes by themselves. No DE razors, and I didn't recognize any of the soaps.

THanks Brian, I want to score a good badger brush for cheap. What do you think I could get? Do you know which brand of blades they sell?
I wanted to get a Muhle brush bot both the guy and the girl wanted to keep them in the set, which came with a Mach3 razor...oh well...not much worth seeing though
I lucked out, I bought three Muhle brushes a best badger for $5, a pure badger for $20 bucks and a travel for $25 which was not on the table but upstairs in the showcase. The sets were $50 I think which I thought were a pretty good price, because the brushes alone are still a lot more $$ then that. The girl there explained the brushes upstairs are 40% off so thats how I got such a great deal on a Muhle travel brush. The other brushes upstairs started around $40 bucks for a badger, which makes the sets a good deal because you also get a stand and a razor which you could sell on ebay or gift it. I wish I had space for a stand in my bathroom, but oh well that is the beauty of living in a tiny New York apartment.
Just wanted to thank whoever started the post about the sidesale we had over the last 2 weeks. Great meeting Champi and Dshave4 who mentioned they found out about the sale from this forum. We actually have lots of brushes, open razors and more that we would be willing to sell at discounted prices to any B&B member. However, we have no idea how to sell items on here and not sure how to arrange something like that. If anyone knows how to do so, please contact us at [email protected]. Maybe someone from B&B would like to host an online sale for us? Or maybe we can do a razor and blade sale right before Xmas and give everyone +50% off all our new stock... Open to suggestion :001_smile
Welcome to B&B, Paul Mole Barbershop NYC! I'm sending a PM regarding our forum's terms of usage for vendors. Thanks for joining!
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