Never could get lather from the Palmira tough tallow blue cube,and believe me,I tried every trick in the book including long soaks in extremely hot water.I was lucky enough to score a tube of their cream recently and this time I hit the jackpot. My first shave I used a generous dollop of cream,and whipped it for 3 minutes.The lather looked good,but when applied to my beard it was thin,even after more lathering on the face.Surprisingly,I did get a smooth shave with this thin lather,kudos for great lube properties.Second shave I really shook all the excess water out of the brush,after 3 minutes of whipping the Palmira,I had a dense ,thick,brutally rich citrus cream scented lather from sunny Serbia .Needless to say,the shave was great...if I could only say that about their little blue cube I would be even happier ! !