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So my buddy tells me about a place in town that gives straight razor shaves. I cruise over there yesterday for a trim and a shave. The first sign that things were going south was when he cut me on the first pass. Then he nicks me two more times. Oh and he is pressing harder than I would with a multi-blade ***. Then he grabs a Bic disposable and shreds my chin. My neck is so red today that it looks like I have sunburn. Worst of all, I have to shave because of work (military). So here I sit with aspirin all over my neck and a couple down my throat as well. This is fantastic. :shaving:


My elbows leak
Staff member
Sorry to hear of your misfortune.
Unfortunately, most of the stories brought back to this board about people getting a straight shave someplace have very similar outcomes.

Seems as if the barber with a straight who knows what he's doing is a thing of the past, or at least very rare.
Its stories like this that keep me from getting a straight shave at a barber shop. I would really like to but I have enough problems with my skin as it is. It seems as if straight shaves in barbershops are more of a novelty now.
Sorry to hear that. You might try some hydrocortisone on that irritated neck.

I have an appointment for a straight shave tomorrow morning, so my sympathies may grow even deeper.
My sincerest get-well-soon wishes. I second the topical pain reliever idea. I know people here speak highly of Thayer's Medicated Super Hazel, often available in Whole Foods so you can pick up now while it can still do some good.
One potential danger of traditional shaving becoming trendy--if indeed it is--is that we can count on a lot more amateurs selling their shoddy work. Much like some of the fly-by-night soaps scams that are occasionally mentioned in hushed tones, these are people whose desire to be in the business exceeds their ability to be in it.

I wish I could find a good, old, neighborhood barber who was doing these shaves before B&B and others even existed--and whose eyesight hasn't failed him yet. Until then, I trust my own hands, my own experience, and my own nerve-endings to guide me to good shaves.
Ugh! I am sorry to hear about the shave man! Nothin' more aggravating than letting somebody shred you while you know the whole time that you will be payin' for it later!:mad3:
And there you are sitting in the chair - a captive - the whole time thinking "I can do this better myself!". What a let down. :glare:
Thanks to everyone for the get well wishes. I didn't have hydrocortizone but I did put some Neosporin on my neck overnight and it appears to be a lot better. I will let everyone know what happens after I shave in a bit!
did you tell him you needed to sit in the chair a bit because you felt woozy. you might have saved a little coin :w00t:
My sincerest get-well-soon wishes. I second the topical pain reliever idea. I know people here speak highly of Thayer's Medicated Super Hazel, often available in Whole Foods so you can pick up now while it can still do some good.

The closest Whole Foods is 200 miles away but I have a place around here that I will look.

OK, here is what I used,
Gillette Adjustable set to 5 (I usually start at 5 and end at 9 but I kept it at 5 the whole time)
Crystal blade
Creamo cream

Really no irritation! My neck is still red but not as bad as yesterday. I have to say that Creamo is slick! I could hardly stretch my skin!
Three passes with no irritation and one tiny weeper near the cut the guy gave me.
The Crystal didn't give me as close a shave as say my 7'oclocks but it was very smooth which is what I was going for.
Still red but I am going to live!
I have some buddies who have gone to a Straight Razor barber (or shavette) and tell me because they know I am interested in that sort of thing. They universally say it is a terrible experience.

I have to tell them that many barbers may not be trained in the straight shaving arts and not to be dissuaded from trying it out. Unfortunately, when something is done badly it really turns off an burgeoning interest. Many potential wetshavers are lost because they don't have an accurate idea of what it's like.

"When small men attempt great enterprises, they always end by reducing them to the level of their mediocrity." --Napoleon
I have some buddies who have gone to a Straight Razor barber (or shavette) and tell me because they know I am interested in that sort of thing. They universally say it is a terrible experience.

I have to tell them that many barbers may not be trained in the straight shaving arts and not to be dissuaded from trying it out. Unfortunately, when something is done badly it really turns off an burgeoning interest. Many potential wetshavers are lost because they don't have an accurate idea of what it's like.

"When small men attempt great enterprises, they always end by reducing them to the level of their mediocrity." --Napoleon

That is sad. From what I understand, here in Florida you have to have a Barber's License to use a straight. My usual barber is a female but she is an actual Barber with a license who works in a shop with a bunch of cosmetologists. She has shaved my neck with a shavette but doesn't do shaves. Maybe I will see if she would start. I trust her more that this guy.

Oh, here is a tip, if the barber has a beard, don't let him shave you!!!!:thumbdown
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