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Ouch! Razor cut

I have been shaving with a double edge razor for years(45 yrs approximately) and have to say that with exception of a few nicks my shaves have been extremely comfortable UNTIL TODAY
This morning I opened a new Derby blade and put it into my Merkur 39C Slant and proceeded to shave. I have used this razor with fantastic comfort up till now.
First stroke very smooth. Second pass I cut myself(about a 1/2" slice near my mouth. Never in all my years have I had a cut of this severity! Even a small bandage was not adequate to stem the blood flow.
I examined my razor and the only thing I found was that the knob you close the silo with appeared to have come a little loose. Usually, I'm extremely careful in tightening up the knob.
My question is the there anyone out who has experienced this problem?


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Hey, we cut ourselves on a routine basis here. That's why chicks dig us and men fear us. :lol:
For some reason this week I thought resting my G-type injector on my top lip for a second was a good idea. Sliced vertically through the whole lip, bled for at least 10 minutes before styptic and cold water finally staunched the blood.
Lol just last week I nicked the edge of a nostril with my slim adj and a brand spanking new Astra. Mind you I'm rather new to the DE world but have been wet shaving since I was 18. I also just recently shaved my beard so I was getting used to shaving my upper lip again, but it just had to happen the day of a very important job interview. :blushing:. Dang thing took me like 10 minutes to staunch the bleeding so that I could continue my shave...
Sorry not a fan or Derby blades.
Too much hit or miss with them for me.
I prefer Personna Red I.P. or Personna Medical Use.
Sharks are Good and Blue Birds not bad.

As for the blood, I use a styptic pencil and cold water followed by a splash of Generic witch hazel.

Thankfully you were not using a straight.


PS We all cut ourselves sometime.
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