I have been shaving with a double edge razor for years(45 yrs approximately) and have to say that with exception of a few nicks my shaves have been extremely comfortable UNTIL TODAY
This morning I opened a new Derby blade and put it into my Merkur 39C Slant and proceeded to shave. I have used this razor with fantastic comfort up till now.
First stroke very smooth. Second pass I cut myself(about a 1/2" slice near my mouth. Never in all my years have I had a cut of this severity! Even a small bandage was not adequate to stem the blood flow.
I examined my razor and the only thing I found was that the knob you close the silo with appeared to have come a little loose. Usually, I'm extremely careful in tightening up the knob.
My question is the there anyone out who has experienced this problem?
This morning I opened a new Derby blade and put it into my Merkur 39C Slant and proceeded to shave. I have used this razor with fantastic comfort up till now.
First stroke very smooth. Second pass I cut myself(about a 1/2" slice near my mouth. Never in all my years have I had a cut of this severity! Even a small bandage was not adequate to stem the blood flow.
I examined my razor and the only thing I found was that the knob you close the silo with appeared to have come a little loose. Usually, I'm extremely careful in tightening up the knob.
My question is the there anyone out who has experienced this problem?