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Origami Ink

I was in Asheville NC this weekend and stopped for my second time at Origami Ink in town. Although a small FP store, I couldn't be happier with the service I received. The owner was a very kind gentleman who was very helpful. I wound up with some new inks and things before heading out. I am not sure what other folks' experiences have been here, but if you are ever in the Asheville area try to stop in.
Wait you forgot the most important parts, What did you buy, and is there any pictures, and most of all, what did you buy ?
No pictures right now, but a bottle of Noodlers Navajo Turquoise and a M nib for my Safari. I have been wanting to pick up a TWSBI, but they said they will not be carrying them until this summer. I also wanted a Rhodia legal pad for work (lined), but they only had the graph paper versions in the legal size.
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