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Opinions Wanted for Brush Purchase

So, I'm a pretty new wet shaver. Really just been getting into it the past few months. I started out in rebellion against the insane prices of cartridges and have really grown to love the process.

I enjoy using soaps, and have been using a cheap boar brush the entire time I've been shaving. I'm thinking of trying a badger brush to see what all the hubbub is about, and after reading boatloads of info on this site I've narrowed it down to either the Simpson Duke or Colonel. It seems to me the main differences between the two are the handle shape/length and the brush shape.

As far as handle shape, I have average size hands and I like to rest the butt of the brush against my palm, so I'm guessing the Duke might be better suited for that. Does that sound right?

Regarding the brush shape, the Colonel seems to be narrower and more rounded, with the Duke fanning out more and flatter on the top. I am unsure what the different effects these might produce are (there doesn't seem to be a section on this in the brush selection guide).

Finally, I'm curious about the relative densities of these. I enjoy the stiffness of the boar brush, and I'm guessing a denser badger brush might be stiffer as well (this could be a wrong assumption as well). Any info here would be appreciated.

Thank you a ton to all of the posters on this site. It's an awesome community and I've already reaped tons of useful information from you guys.
Welcome to B&B.

I don't have a Colonel or a Duke, but I'm sure you'll have plenty of advice from folks who do. I can say that the Rooney 3/1 is a comfortable size for the grip you describe. It has a 50-mm handle (according to vintage blades). According to West Coast Shaving, the Colonel has a 54-mm handle. For the Duke... hmm, are you looking at the Duke 2 or 3? Those seem to be 40-45 mm handles. So I would lean toward the Colonel myself, but the Duke 3 would probably be fine. The Duke 2 might be a little short to rest against your palm. I suppose you could make a mock-up with some dowels or toilet-paper tubes (or perhaps wrapping paper tubes, given the state of the calendar).

The difference in brush knot shape sounds like tulip (rounded top) vs fan (flattish top). I agree with your interpretation of the pictures, but Simpson knot shapes are said to be somewhat variable - even for a handmade product. I would recommend emailing the vendor you intend to buy from, and asking for advice and help on that point. Most vendors will look through their stock and select a brush that best suits your needs. Myself, I prefer a fan-shaped knot.
I have a Colonel X2L in Super 2 Band and a Duke 3 in Best. I have small/average hands and I prefer the shape of the Colonel. The extra length and being a bit slimmer gives me more options when gripping the brush (near the bristles when lathering, near the base when painting/smoothing out). With the Duke, it really feels like just one way to grip it to me.

Regarding shapes, both of mine were really similar, just with the Duke being more dense (slightly bigger knot, best badger vs 2 band). see pictures here http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showpost.php?p=2567183&postcount=51
Have a Duke 3 coming from santa but already possess the Colonel X2L in best, and have to say you can't go wrong with the Colonel. Dense enough to use with soaps, I am very happy.

Sounds like a Duke 2 would be right up your alley! A Rooney 1/1 would also be a nice dense brush with a good amount of backbone.
Finally, I'm curious about the relative densities of these. I enjoy the stiffness of the boar brush, and I'm guessing a denser badger brush might be stiffer as well (this could be a wrong assumption as well). Any info here would be appreciated.

In Simpson go for the Best badger for stiffness. Or if you can pony up for a two-band. I stretched to get a T1 2B and am happy I did. Wish it had a slightly larger bulb shape, but just going to the Tulip 2 would have been a big price jump.
I may wind up with a Colonel under my (fingers crossed ;~) tree. My father had and used one for as long as I can remember. Also not knowing which badger you have you might want to try a Semogue 1470 after acquiring a badger for added rotation capability. With 90% tops it will develop supple tips while retaining plenty of backbone for face lathering. I have a 1460 which is the same brush with a painted (harder to maintain) handle.
Yep, if you want to keep up the big savings, then a quality boar like a Semogue or Omega is worth looking at.

I've just added a 1460 and of the 4 Sem's I have, it's virtually broken after 2 or 3 shaves, instead of 2 or 3 weeks. Good quality, inexpensive tools that get better as you use them longer.

I was pretty underwhelmed by the quality of badger I got for $40-50, so you do have to go nearer $100 to get a badger worth talking about IMO. I did buy a Silvertip, but would never spend that sort of coin on a single brush again, not when my boars cost collectively less and I've not had one that shed a single hair, which I can't say the same about the 2 badgers I've had.

As you've not tried a badger before, you're bound to give one a go anyway, so I'll leave those recommendations to others.
I have the Commodore X2 and I think its around $70. I consider it a fine brush. I have a regular sized hand with short fingers and the handle fits very well as well as the knib is a good size that does well with both soaps and cremes.
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