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Opinions on Chef Knives

Sometime back I delved into the wonderful world of Asian knives and have found that although there shall ALWAYS be a selection of big, tank-like Henckels blades in the rack.

But...the larger gyutos have garnered my attention. My recent acquisition of a Tojiro DP 10 3/4" has done a fair job of getting my attention, much more so than the 2 Tojiro Shirogami knives that preceded it.

So..I just sold the Richmond Artifex I bought to give me an introduction to the Asian style knife and will replace it with a 9-9 1/2" gyuto. Right now logic says just get asnother Tojiro but I see there is a plethora of other manufacturers who make similar knives at comparable prices ($100 or so).

Question is:

Anyone have first hand experience with any other manufacturers and knives that fit into this category (gyuto >$100)??
I have a Hiromoto Aogami Super 240mm that I'm very happy with. You're not exactly going to use it for cutting through many bones, but for 90% of other kitchen applications, it's a real pleasure to use. They'll run you around $160 and I believe they're worth it.

Can't say anything bad about Tojiro, either. I have a Nakiri and Petty from them and am very satisfied. No experience with their Gyutos, but I'm sure they won't disappoint, either.
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I just traded out my set of henckels pro S to a set of Tojiro Senkou Classics . For sake of having a heavy knife for some heavier chopping I also kept my Global GF-35 (12" forged chefs knife)

I absolutely love the Tojiros. They are absolutely amazing and the handles fit like a glove. The Global is a fantastic knife too and Ive had their cleaver for over 5 years now
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