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Opinion on SE Blade's...

I have a GEM Micromatic Bullseye that I want to use...I've already ordered some Personna Blades for it from Amazon, but I've also found some other blades out on the market and wondered whether they're any good...

1. PAL
2. Treet
3. GEM Blue Star
4. GEM Duridium (NOS)

Any and all opinions welcome...
I've never used any of the blades on your list, but I've gotten good results using the CVS-branded blades. They're carbon steel, so they only last about 2-3 shaves before the rust gets to the edge, but those are 2-3 great shaves.:thumbup1: They're made by ASR, just like all the ones on your list (which are all carbon-steel too, except maybe the duridium).

It can't hurt you to give them a try, especially if you have a CVS in your neck of the woods.
+1 on the CVS blades, I use those in my GEM G-bar and get great shaves from them. I also have a stash of GEM Blue Star blades, but haven't cracked those open yet...as I'm mostly utilizing DE's in my rotation lately.
I have used the Bluestar Blades and Treets.. They are smooth and cut really nicely but they are carbon steel and I would not be shocked if after a shave you start to see rust spots forming. Some folks have suggested that you dip the blade in mineral oil or baby oil to ward off the rusting. Try it without coating in oil and with.
I have used the Bluestar Blades and Treets.. They are smooth and cut really nicely but they are carbon steel and I would not be shocked if after a shave you start to see rust spots forming. Some folks have suggested that you dip the blade in mineral oil or baby oil to ward off the rusting. Try it without coating in oil and with.

Actually, I'm beginning to learn that I can't use a blade more than once as my beard is heavy and I seem to rip the blades up enough that a second shave with a blade rips up my face, so rust won't be an issue...
i really like the Pal blades, they're carbon steel, but they're blued which helps slow the rust. I find that i prefer the SS blades in the newer razors (Gbar, contour, etc...) and the carbons in the older ones (micromatic, 1912/24, etc.)

Also, i've found that palm stropping makes carbon steel blades smoother, and longer-lasting :thumbup:
The Treets are the best I've tried for the first shave, but they rust very fast, and I haven't been able to keep one going past the third shave. The last couple I used were too rusty after only two shaves. Patting them dry after dipping in alcohol didn't help. Didn't think of mineral oil.

The coated stainless Gem blades that you can get online, or at Walgreens, are good. Lots of people recommend the Ted Pellas if you want to make a bulk buy later. I got a large quantity from Amazon which I believe to be about the same, but that particular kind has been out of stock for some time.
Try some of the stainless steel blades from Walgreens. They may not seem as sharp as the carbon versions on the first shave but they are actually plenty sharp to do the job. They won't rust and you will get more than one shave a blade from them. I typically get four shaves per blade and could easily go more. In fact on a recent vacation trip I wanted to see how many shaves I could realistically get on a blade and I had no problem getting one week (seven days) from them.

Another thing I do with the stainless steel blades, is before the first shave I give them a quick hand strop. This helps to remove any of the microscopic metal burrs that might be left over from the manufacturing process and makes that first pass much nicer.

happy shaving!

i really like the Pal blades...

...i've found that palm stropping makes carbon steel blades smoother, and longer-lasting :thumbup:

Palm strop?

...Another thing I do with the stainless steel blades, is before the first shave I give them a quick hand strop. This helps to remove any of the microscopic metal burrs that might be left over from the manufacturing process and makes that first pass much nicer.

happy shaving!


Hand strop?
Actually, I'm beginning to learn that I can't use a blade more than once as my beard is heavy and I seem to rip the blades up enough that a second shave with a blade rips up my face, so rust won't be an issue...

be careful because sometimes those carbon blades will rust before you use them. I like the personna gem blades the best, which are stainless steel. I buy them 200 at a time. They last me for years, because I use double edge at least 3 to one, over single edge.
What ever you do, if the package says, made in korea, even though they look like all the rest. You will be throwing your money out the window.:001_cool:
4. GEM Duridium (NOS)

Duridiums are terrible. Avoid at all costs.

ASR made the Duridium blades in the late-40's, up to '53 or so, and they were an early Stainless steel blade. I've tried them, and they are 'rough', so I recommend you pass on shaving with them. Later stainless blades are much better, top notch really.

BTW, Duridium is a trade name for 404B Stainless Steel.

-- John Gehman
be careful because sometimes those carbon blades will rust before you use them. I like the personna gem blades the best, which are stainless steel. I buy them 200 at a time. They last me for years, because I use double edge at least 3 to one, over single edge.
What ever you do, if the package says, made in korea, even though they look like all the rest. You will be throwing your money out the window.:001_cool:

How do you get ones not made in Korea? I would think that if you order them online you'd have no way of knowing what you're gonna get...
I've been happy with GEM blades. They hold up well enough that I can later use them in scrapers when they are no longer sharp enough to shave with.
Well, here's my useless opinion. I started shaving with a SE about a week ago after years of straight or DE shaving. I have only used the Pella blades, and have been getting very, very close and smooth shaves.
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